At The Stars

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One more murder....

NotShari! & Dr.
NotShari meets Dr. Sample

Name: NotShari! (a.k.a. Jim)

Age: 34

Married: to Shari

Location: Orlando, FL, by way of the streets of New Orleans...


-How long have you been a fan?

-How many times have you seen BTE perform live?

-Do you have a favorite song and/or video?

-Do you have an original copy of Surprise?

-Do you think anyone has an original copy of Surprise?

-Is BTE your favorite band?

-If not, who is?
Ludwig von Beethoven

-What are 5 adjectives that describe your personality?
No answer provided as children may read this.

-Express yourself in terms of a metaphor/simile:

-How do your friends describe you?
No answer provided as children may read this.

-Hobbies? Collections?
Yes, Yes.

-Career? What do you like about your job?
Yes, the paycheck is very nice.

-Major? Minor?

-Favorite class?

-Do you eat any strange combinations of food?
Define strange!

-What do you do to keep busy?
Answer questions.

-Where is/are the place(s) you go to unwind?
State of denial!

-What are your weaknesses? Strengths?
No answer provided as children may read this.

The truth comes out, thanks to Shari....

"In addition to being a smart aleck, NotShari actually likes BTE more than he cares to admit - he loves WWOZ, Circle of Friends, and can play Rosealia on the guitar.

If not for Shari, he would still be listening to Meatloaf, AC/DC, Queen, and ELO, but he still dislikes U2 and hates nothing in this world more than Duran Duran.

The one most distinguishing feature his friends will say about him is that he likes cats."

He loves sci-fi, fantasy, B movies, and cartoons, and the only game he can beat Shari at is Star Wars trivia, which prompts cries of "geek" from same.

It is rumored that NotShari is a mechanical engineer who spent years selling drugs and other unsavory items on the West Bank of Greater New Orleans to put himself through school at University of New Orleans and later Texas A&M.

NotShari pushing drugs and condoms
in New Orleans to pay for school...

He DID sell drugs and other things to finance his education, but he was working at a drugstore :)

He has a weakness for chili dogs and Doritos

spends his spare time teasing Shari about the band, and has been working on perfecting his impersonations of Kevin dancing/pointing/etc.

His favorite Griffinism:
"You're a (expletive deleted) idiot!"

Favorite BTE song quote:
"The things you believe in are the things that's worth keeping. Make a promise, stand right by your word."

Added 02.01.00 · · · Updated 05.29.00