At The Stars

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Syd and Tom
Syd & Tom in Little Rock

Name: Syd

Age: 23

Location: Little Rock... One of these days, New Orleans


Web site: Syd's House of Ezra

-How long have you been a fan?

-How many times have you seen BTE perform live?
30 so far...eek! :)

-Do you have a favorite song and/or video?
Favorite song changes with my mood, but "Porcelain" has always been waaay up the list.

-Do you have an original copy of Surprise?

-Do you think anyone has an original copy of Surprise?
Yeah, 'cause Tom said someone brought one to a show once

-Is BTE your favorite band?

-Either way, which other bands do you like?
Pearl Jam, Nine Inch Nails, Stabbing Westward, Korn, Limp Bizkit, Metallica, The Cure, Smashing Pumpkins, 80s music, etc.

-What are 5 adjectives that describe your personality?
Loud, Fun, Goofy, Smart, Crackhead - HA! :)

-Express yourself in terms of a metaphor/simile.
Hmmm. I'll have to get back to you on that one. I DO have my own little personal motto, though -- "I don't ever want to wonder 'what if'"

-How do your friends describe you?
Crackhead :)

-Hobbies? Collections?
I love playing my bass guitars, reading, watching movies (and Buffy and X-Files), going to waaaaaaaay too many concerts, roadtripping. I collect cow stuff and candles.

-Career? What do you like about your job?
Career -- radio. I liked it when I had a job.:) I'm trying to decide between two new stations right now, but one of these days, I'm going to work for The End in New Orleans. Right now, I work at a video store. :)

-Major? Minor?
I was majoring in Radio/Television and minoring in English...till I dropped out. Whoops. (insert flashing neon letters spelling out "MISTAKE" right here, please)

-Favorite class?
Was Radio Production

-Do you eat any strange combinations of food?
I'll have extra pineapples on my pizza, please. :) I also put honey mustard on just about everything.

-What do you do to keep busy?
Surf the net, play computer Solitaire till my eyes cross, or any of the aforementioned hobbies

-Where is/are the place(s) you go to unwind?
New Orleans :) ...Or to my friends' house. Or I'll just drive around for hours.

-What are your weaknesses?
Weaknessess -- there are a lot of things about myself I need to improve. I'm a pushover, for one. The list goes on...

Strengths -- Deep down, I know that I AM a good person and will do anything to help out a friend.

-Kevin, Tom, Travis, Jim?
They all rock.:) I talk to Tom more than the other three, but still, they all rock.

-Favorite BTE song quotes:

"For everyone, there's a person, place, or time that brings you back and makes you feel alive" (which is why I see BTE shows so much...there's just this feeling I get, which probably explains why I love the next quote!)

"If there's a feeling that there's something else, seems like it's always understood this time of year."

"I'm numb...a shell of empty thoughts. But you glow"

"I love it when we fight. It makes me think at least you still care"

"Ivy is just a dog, with a heart as noble as the greatest man who ever lived"

-Favorite "Kevin-ism":
"They were just...COYOTE UGLY!!"

-First BTE show location:
Memphis, Tennessee, 09.23.95

Added 02.01.00 · · · Updated 02.08.00