The river overflows now after all that has been taken,
It rushes over all of the deep cuts and bruises,
Healing and mending all that was broken and torn.
It kisses the aches and melts away the fears,
It even dries up the well that was once full of tears.
The once unquenchable thirst has found the nectar of love,
It is subdued and thoughtful now, all because of one.
One individual whom has taken the time.
He learned her secrets and yet did not run from her aching soul.
He stayed, he learned and now she is whole.
Their love is immeasurable, their happiness complete.
So, why does she feel the aching confinement yet again.
Their love is strong, but is it strong enough to survive?
This poem is published in a book, it can also be found at (I forgot the name of it)
We sway ever so slightly in the startling breeze,
Never a care for Her whims and needs.
You nestle under Her children, but do not care,
You ignore Her beauty, for you are not as fair.
She laughs around you for what you know, She knows,
But you don't care about Her many woes.
You know no life other that your own,
Yet She nurtures you, you are never alone.
Mother Earth, taken for granted yet again,
The damage we do now may never mend.
We have no worries for yet another day,
We do not care that eventually we will have to pay.