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31st March 2000

    First of all, welcome to Happy Lunatic the official One Ultimate Dose website. At the moment we're getting ready to record our first proper demo which will be called "Happy Lunatic". Hopefully it will sound good enough to get us some gigs in the near future. So far we've got about nine songs to choose from for the demo;

    teenage sores

    ode to who

    fake friend

    navy girl's valentine



    you can't have


    down in my army

    you can hear most of these songs in the sounds section. You will need real audio to hear them. We're also hoping to get a mp3 site happening as well.

    For those of you who visited our last website at will notice two new members in the band. Randy Serrano on drums and Ashley Lewis on bass. Had it not have been for their arrivals I seriously doubt John and I would still be in O.U.D.

    Please bear with us as this site is currently under construction as we are trying to make O.U.D a visual as well as an aural experience. We all know how much the old site sucked but don't worry, we'll try to do a better job this time.

    Friends of the Dose and Iron Duke grassroots winners Kyser have a cd out called "Soul's Awakening" and you can get it at Utopia records in George st. Sydney City. Check the Drum Media to see when and where they are playing. As we get the info we will put their dates up. They usually play the Iron Duke or down at the Maroubra Junction Hotel. I strongly recommend you check them out, they seriously kick some fucking ass. If you like Metal you will fucking love Kyser.

    Another band that I know you will all love is Neo Ezi. They usually play the same venues as Kyser and they honestly are one of the best live bands that i've seen. Check them out.

    Anyways, cheers for now, enjoy the site and if you have any questions regarding anything you want to know or tell us that this site sucks as well, feel free to send emails to .

