Okay, so before I get started, this is my first page done completely by myself with an advanced editor, so if it looks a little scrappy, now you know why!
Stuff that Rules! (Last updated 14.07.00)
Cookie Monster
Dying your hair mad colours
Harry Potter! sad, I know, I know!
"Lost Consonants"
Pop Rocks
My friends
Waking up thinking it's a school day before suddenly realising it's actually the weekend/holidays!
More Chocolate!
romance... retch retch, I know, but, hey!
That really cool hidden track on "Leche Con Carne" by NUFAN
"yellow" by Coldplay
Weird and wacky dreams that make you think you were on something when you were asleep
"Ice Bloc" Coffees from the Bloc, the posey coffee shop in town
Realising that the perfect people actually aren't as perfect as they seem
Coming up with the best ever, witty, cool comeback when someone attempts to slag you off
"Soulmate" by NUFAN
"Gobbolino" shop in Camden
Leeds Corn Exchange!
Milkybar Choos
Learning your fave song word-perfect
Completely confusing people online
Mine and Shelly's piss-takes.... "you hang up! No you hang up! No you hang up! No, you hang up! Ok, we'll hang up together shall we? 1, 2, 3... You didn't hang up! Neither did you!" hahahahaa
Tate Modern... haven't been, really want to tho seems cool
Stuff that Sucks! (Last updated 14.07.00)
Hannah Kelly
People who treat you like the scum of the earth just cos they think they're better than you
"Atomic Kitten"
Having three peices of coursework to do in one evening that are all due in the next day
"Bliss", "Sugar", "Mizz" and other patronising girly mags
When you start thinking about gross things like live mummification... mmm, pulling your brain out your nostrils! Lovely!
Warm/stale/sweaty picnics on top of windy mountains in remote areas of the U.K... mmmm, tracker bars! Bleeeeugh
Shallow guys who won't take a look at a girl with even one spot
Hot Car smell
Being reminded by your friends of embarassing things you did in first school
Millenium Dome
Getting bright pink hair-dye all over your hands and having to soak them in bleach to get it out and then having to put on tons and tons of moisturiser
Getting bright pink hair-dye all over the bathroom and having to face the wrath of your parents...