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Beth's Poetry Page

penHi. This is my third page. The reason why I made this page is that the page with my "short" stories on it was getting a little long. Sorry about that, whoever read it. Anyway, here's my poems.


Every cloud can hide a star

Every seed can grow a tree

Every grain of sand in an oyster can become a pearl

Every thought could change the world


"Broken Glass"

Broken glass on the street

Broken heart

Stained glass in a church

Something beautiful


"An Angry God?"

God, angry?


All I know is that I've done stupid things that probably made God shake His head at my foolishness


I also know that Jesus

Lived the perfect life I couldn't

Took my punishment for me

And rose from the dead to prove He is God

If God cries

I think His tears of rage are mixed with tears of mercy

Forever forgiveness

Infinate compassion

Eternal life in Heaven

And a new start

If only we would ask Him


penWritten after reading "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" by Johnathan Edwards

(In case you're wondering, this guy's sermon was a real hellfire-and-brimestone sermon. Personally, I believe in a loving God.)


"Jesus's Hands"

Hands that made the universe from nothing

Hands that separated light from darkness

Hands that flung the stars

out into the black sky

Hands that pushed up the mountains

And carved the riverbeds

Hands that made us

Were pierced for us

Up on a splintered Roman cross

His hands didn't hit back, instead they were

Willingly kept still to receive our punishment

In full measure, so we can be free

And after He is resurrected, His hands were

Hands that blessed the disciples

Before He went up to Heaven

Even now, thousands of years later,

His hands are open

Welcoming all who believe

Guiding, comforting, helping

His hands are open

All we have to do is open ours


pen(I do belive in Creation and in Jesus, but I'm not narrow-minded. I respect other people's opinions. With this page and my other two pages, I'm just stating the beliefs that have helped and comforted me in the past.)


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copyright Copyright May 2000 By Beth Tuthill butterfly

Last Revised November 22, 2000