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pen This is a second page of poems that I've written. More poems will be coming soon.


I was sitting up in the clouds

Until I got hit with a brick

That shattered my world--cancer

Then I fell, down, down

Into the deep black

Of depression and suffering,

Like drowning in murky waters

I learned the extent of my mortality

As I fought for my life.

But Someone was with me, (1)

Helping me.

He laid hold of me, (2)

And He has never let me go.

(1) Someone = God

(2) He = God


"Night Prayer to God"

I should be asleep

But I'm not

Worries rush in

Fears call for my attention

Like homeless dogs they follow me

Things I need to do

Fill my anxious mind

I need to pray

But I can't form the words

Finally, I just talk to You...

And talk...and talk some more

Patiantly, You listen to my babbling

Rambling prayer

Then I listen to You

You're answering my prayer

Even as I speak

For peace seeps into my heart

Like rain that the ground absorbs

You will stay up and take care of the world

While I get some rest

And You smile

As I drift off to sleep

line background pic by In His Image

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Copyright October 25, 2000 by Beth Tuthill

Last Revised December 3, 2000
