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<title>A poet without love were a physical and metaphysical impossibility. </title>
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<h1 align="center">A poet without love were a physical and metaphysical impossibility. </h1>

<!--Freetext--><center>~Thomas Carlyle~</center><hr>Here are some of the latest what I would call "somber love poems" I have written since November '99 to early May '00.  If you have any questions, feel free to <a href="mailto:brytness@aol.com">ask</a>; I am always willing to answer your questions, but I'd like to know what you think, too. If you are looking for more updated poems, check out <a href="http://www.angelfire.com/rock/brytness/poetry/somberlove2">Somber Love II</a>.  Yes, there is enough for multiple pages.<hr> 

<b>Maybe It Can Kill</b><br>
I watched the moon<br>
pull over the day<br>in this midnight mist, <br>which will forever<br>cover up our mistakes... <br>except for those saved for twilight--<br>like tonight's. <p>
I wasn't mad when he left. <br>
I wasn't mad when he didn't call<br>(though many will vouch<br>for madness). <br>For clarity, <br>I realized quickly, <br>
"This time it's on my own." <br>For parody, <br>
I tried to forget memories and <br>melodies, but I'd have to surrender<br>the effort instead. <br>No one listens anymore; <br>we all know I am the mess<br>that everyone compares themselves to<br>to make themselves feel better. <br>(I am a martyr in the making.) <p>
I remember fireworks with Mom and dad<br>
too well.  I remember your slipping down your hand<br>for a touch closer to the heat. <br>Tonight a secret's coming out, <br>and I'd just plan to scream and shout, <br>"IT WAS BETTER<br>	THAN ANYONE'S FIRST!" <p>
And now I'm thirsty<br>
for a request line, <br>a better hourglass to record our time, <br>our dreams apart; <br>Deepen our lively
adventures, where I once was regretful; <br>but I'm never able to turn over<br>the experience of sunset, <br>of fire, of the water<br>that separates us still. <p>
I thought looks would kill, <br>
but I'm taking the drills <br>until I'm fully bruised.	<br>050200 (112299)<p>
<b>May Day</b><br>
Letting go--<br>it's never going to happen. <br>Not letting it show<br>that all movements, <br>all breaths<br>are in yearning to let you know<br>that this "letting go"<br>was only the easier way to go.<p>

Memories burned into souls, <br>
our "forgetfulness" will erase all<br>we thought wasn't important to recall. <br>I've tried to enjoy what I love, <br>but even that is dying breath<br>floating among<br>words that will be coated <br>with only deathbed regrets, <br>silver penny bets<br>against all that would happen--<br>and did anyway.<p>

Now that I know you're listening, <br>
now that I know you're here, <br>
there's no more "letting go," <br>there's no more reason to fear. <br>050100<p>

<b>Tell Me What I Shouldn't Hear</b><br>
Pollute my skies<br>but make the sunset <br>unimaginable. <br>Dye your innocent thoughts<br>in virgin blood--<br>before it drops. <br>Crumble memories<br>before they take us up again<br>and make us more than friends. <br>Sing me songs<br>but dilute the concentration<br>I have on your crystal eyes. <br>Don't let it come together--<br>you might see it clearer<br>when we're together, <br>but don't ask me what I'm feeling, <br>what these words are meaning<br>'cause I thought I had<br>lost you more every day, <br>but you've got me<br>thinking in a new way. <br>I've got answers for our yesterday<br>and a new way to read fortunes. <br>
I've got new reasons<br>for wondering where you are<br>in every star; <br>you've got me inspired. <br>You've got me wondering<br>what I'm desiring<br>because you know who you are. <p>
It's your move this time. <br>
This time I've got to know... <br>is there farther to go? <br>050200<p>

<center><b>The Crowned Virgin's Retaliation <br>
Against All She Ever Knew</b><br>
The touches you let me feel<br>
have recently made me turn,<br>
to burn the former desires for passion.<br>
I'm more fearful of what I remembered,<br>
and how I remembered it--<br>
the closeness you made me wait for<br>
that taught me more,<br>
that forced me to reach inside my core<br>
(so I could dive in before you did),<br>
that made me feel more<br>
within those first touches.<br>
Now this crowned virgin crouches<br>
with tainted fingertips<br>
and a withering, rose crown--<br>
like laughing clowns<br>
we learned to love, then learned to hate.<br>
I embodied it all too late<br>
to have ever made a lasting impression<br>
on you.<br>
It's true: I fear you, your power,<br>
the tides you made<br>
when you first faltered.<br>
I once thought of being alone with you again.<br>
I thought of being more than friends,<br>
searching farther within in embrace,<br>
finding intentions swimming on your crystal face;<br>
the control you'd have--do have...<br>
and you laugh<br>
with the omnipotence over the<br>
weak creature<br>
crouched beneath you now,<br>
trying to get away and preserve this crown.<br>
You try to tear me <br>
and I know I must flee,<br>
but this isn't coming as easily. <br>	
041200, #603<p></center>
<b>If he should choose to fall apart,<br>
don't you think you should let him?</b><br>
One never watches himself<br>
coming out of recovery;<br>
he's just glad to have made it,<br>
to be stabilized;<br>
to have found his yin and yang<br>
together again--<br>
or for the first time<br>
he's seen in clearer.<br>
He's older.  Sure,<br>
and should be decaying slowly now<br>
content, complaisant.<br>
He knows what all the words meant<br>
and why their shadows folded<br>
over wooden benches and bushes,<br>
under secrets that crushed them<br>
and could only be shared
with the one he'll never have--<br>
but he's accepted it now,<br>
has entered new doors without security<br>
and has seemingly survived the adventure well.<br>
"Well, I'm here, at least."<br>
At last he's come to know<br>
how to cheat,<br>
how to make it worth the effort,<br>
how to let himself down<br>
before he's approached the subject.<br>
He's met all my warriors<br>
before they beat him.<br>
I've apologized<br>
before saying anything<br>
because I know<br>
that this everything he's feeling<br>
is nothing<br>
but another push towards<br>
never seeing himself fall.<br>	
041600, #604<p>
the masses</b><br>
i was feeling reckless<br>
as if this pen could not support<br>
my free-flowing words,<br>
could not catch your attention,<br>
match the masterpiece of<br>
free-falling years,<br>
near-crawling fears<br>
that surface too proudly<br>
over soap-sudded dreams.<br>
i must clean these things--<br>
for we can no longer clean ourselves<br>
up over lost time.<br>
(there was never a lost feeling.)<br>
we are just beginning.<br>
we are one step ahead<br>
for just acknowledging<br>
the separateness<br>
of this seemingly connected form.<br>
how dare others feel<br>
bringing in another being to the heart<br>
be relieving!<br>
they're only feeling other hearts<br>
outside their ribs,<br>
trying to knock down perfect boundaries,<br>
calling and only finding echoes.<br>
you are too lonely.<br>
i am, too, holding<br>
too much back <br>
from the ones <br>
i should be honest with.<br>
but at least i know<br>
the truth.	<br>
041800, #605<p>
<b>we are victims of the innocents</b><br>
we are separated<br>
just so we'll never<br>
understand ourselves and<br>
each other in this life.<br>
it's a game to win,<br>
to take over the weak.<br>
we try to find<br>
ourselves in each other.<br>
it's the closest to the truth <br>
that we've ever been.<br>
the flowers were tokens of love,<br>
signs of appreciation<br>
for staying so close<br>
when we were really too far <br>
into losing ourselves<br>
in another day so familiar, <br>
so simple.<br>
complications are the <br>
closing curtains of our stage.<br>
comfort only lasts so long--<br>
'til you are ready to watch<br>
it waste away.<br>
we're not drowning in our insecurities--<br>
we're only using experiences to pierce<br>
another victim down<br>
onto pen and paper.<br>
to handle ourselves carefully,<br>
we have to be carefree.	<br>
041900, #606<p>

<b>To Abstain</b><br>
I wanted to kiss these nights away.
<br>"Thanks for taking me all this way, <br>
keeping me alive 'til today<br>
with still no direction, no say<br>
in how my role will play<br>
a day from this rain<br>
shivering on glass trees; it's plain<br>
to see I must keep these memories in your name." <br>
Trust me, I learned to scream in pain.<p>
Was it wrong to pray<br>
to stay alone in hopes that we may<br>
live and lie as one again?<p>
Was it a crime to play<br>
the songs until I was blank?<p>
Were my words too gray, <br>
too obvious to stain <br>
you to stay?<p>
I wanted to abstain<br>
from the profane<br>
use of yesterdays<br>
in an effort to keep the days away. <br>
I wanted to wait <br>
for you to turn and say, <br>
"I've come back to stay<br>
in your arms another day." <p>
Instead I came too late.	<br>
040200, #599<p>
<b>Birthday Deathbed</b><br>
I gotta say<br>
………gotta say it<br>
……………………before I blow it away. <p>
Worried that I've begun to see myself<br>
………………….as I fall<br>
…………as though it were all<br>
…………………………..that mattered now<br>
…………and always again<br>
…………………………………..we'll see it repeating<br>
…………………………..within ourselves<br>
to be friends--<br>
………………….yes, that's what we were<br>
…………we are? <br>
………………….too automatic, too sudden. <br>
…………I crave to ask, <br>
…………"Will we ever be alone <br>
again?" <br>
…………………………..(Nothing is safe.) <br>
Your habits will kill it, anyway. <br>
…………I wanted to walk through the waves	<br>
……………………………to save the kites<br>
………..that flew away<br>
………..in breezes of heavy sighs, <br>
…………………..millions of miles away. <br>
Never to stay, <br>
………………….just stain the white<br>
………………….of your artificial blue<br>
………………….eyes full of red<br>
roses. <br>
………………………….No one knows this... <br>
No one else seems me miss<br>
…………a bouquet of kisses<br>
this much<br>
………………….when I'm cold<br>
………..finally real<br>
………………….too, to believe<br>
………..that there really is no other force<br>
………………….behind the intentions<br>
………..that brought me here<br>
………………….in the<br>
place…..I've won a back-seat<br>
…………………to the backbeat<br>
………..of your flaming heart--<br>
…………………………..I overshot from the start<br>
and decided to bleed my heart instead<br>
………..for you. <br>
To you, an opportunity<br>
………..to fly away with your mouth full. <br>
Another game we play. <br>
Another path lost to yesterday. <br>
Another truth too great. <br>
………………….………………….I will never be the same. <br>
………………….………………….I will blow away.		<br>
………………….………………….040200, #600<p>

<b>the heart that dies alone</b><br>
never knowing what's going to happen, <br>
i usually sleep with hopes that a dream<br>
will become reality, <br>
but instead i'm numbed to find<br>
i'll sleep again<br>
without you there. <br>
and i can't even tell you why i care<br>
to keep you this close, <br>
to make you what i hope for<br>
because nothing can be like it was before, <br>
and there's really no reason<br>
to wish for more, <br>
'cause i've been stoned; <br>
i've stored you away in boxes: <br>
letters, flowers, pictures<br>
of another time, <br>
for another place<br>
to share when it won't hurt so much<br>
to see the light striking<br>
the turned-upside-down heart<br>
that will never be the same. <br>
when i'm alone, i ask myself, <br>
"why did i let this happen? <br>
did i give myself away one frantic night<br>
knowing i'd be here now<br>
so empty, forever close to being fixed--<br>
always finding myself just starting<br>
to crawl back inside myself?" <br>
i know i'll have to conquer this by myself, <br>
and discreetly i'll let you know<br>
i'm on my way to recovery. <br>
but i won't let you indifference<br>
sway me<br>
back.	<br>
040200, #601<p>
<b>Spring Forward, Fall Back</b><br>
This Daylight Fading<br>
was the hardest of them all; <br>
it should have taken<br>
122 hours before<br>
to restore this feeling. <br>
Is he thinking<br>
he should have stayed closer? <br>
Is he making do, <br>
making well the compliments, <br>
making compliments for all too well, <br>
those who make the love<br>
that i never understood--<br>
it was always farther than that, <br>
deeper than that. <br>
I thought I knew him better than that, <br>
but I learned by my dosage again. <br>
I took a new stand to wonder: <br>
Where to begin? <br>
This just in: we're all going to make it through, <br>
but that must be meaning more somehow. <br>
I'm taking more precaution now; <br>
I'm testing the waters before I drown in them, <br>
and baptize myself in dissolving eyes<br>
that never would understand my lies--<br>
maybe it's time to demoralize, <br>
sink myself in bluer hues
just to get a rise out of some of you. <br>
I think this springing forward<br>
is bound to bring something back. <br>
040200, #602<p>
<b>Woke up</b><br>
Realized I had hurt you so
<br>six months ago;
<br>six sweaty lovers undergo
<br>the same thought
<br>too late—
<br>and everything you want
<br>is never everything you need.
<br>The melodies know the greed.
<br>I know the mistake.
<br>And there’s nothing left to take
<br>after it’s all said and done.
<br>Wanted to run
<br>from this place.
<br>Realized I had hurt you so
<br>in the same grace
<br>that prevents me from feeling so
<br>good again.
<br>Now friends and nothing more.
<br>I wish I was a pure as I had been before
<br>with the echoes of angels,
<br>with the praises under my belt—
<br>I had it all,
<br>and I knew what I felt.
<br>Now that you’re gone—
<br>no, this won’t be another love song.
<br>You’ve heard them all before.
<br>Now a desire,
<blockquote>	but there’s nothing more.<br>
	032800, #598</blockquote><p>
<b>“I'm Falling Again”</b><br>
Twins saw him falling again in their dreams<br>
last night, and I didn't know whether<br>
to cry or to wait……………..once more<br>
for someone to wake me <br>
from my own sleep………….my own confusion. <br>
He's not home. <br>
He'll never be back again…….no matter<br>
what people say. <br>
Those snow-covered mountains are higher<br>
than I could ever take him. <br>
I knew I was losing him from the start. <br>
I wish I hadn't bled my heart<br>
to show true love--…………...though I never had his. <br>
I thought bliss would cover up<br>
hindering worries, <br>
but they've only been filtered back, <br>
for they say he's coming back….no matter<br>
what I try to say	Though I know<br>
he's leaving the hollow<br>
skeleton of unending love behind. <br>
I'm forever blind--……………..now broken in, <br>
always dying from within<br>
Twins’ dreams... <br>
<blockquote>maybe I was the one falling,<br>
 ‘cause I have been living in these dreams<br>
too long. 113099, #567</blockquote><p>
<b>The Regret of Promises</b><br>
I'm killing myself<br>
over promises made for a future. <br>
Like virginity, I didn't want to<br>
give such a connection--or<br>
lack thereof--a chance<br>
to fly (away). <br>
I'm lost in the pain<br>
of losing myself. <br>
I'm crashing <br>
into the infinite space<br>
of fate, of lost opportunities--<br>
of something I may<br>
or may not<br>
have had control over. <br>
Your heart, though<br>
just a supplier<br>
but the source of<br>
my life, though<br>
separate from myself. <br>
I'm not myself, though<br>
anymore after I promised<br>
pre-Christmas presents<br>
to myself with an essence<br>
of yesterday caught in the bow. <br>
Instead I'm walking<br>
between broken glass ornaments, <br>
trying to find a way out of <br>
mirrored walls of this construction site<br>
into something more stable<br>
to look forward to<br>
each night. 112999, #566<p>
Someone tied my heart<br>
in pink ribbons, <br>
and I haven't been able to open up again. <br>
If anything, I've closed down<br>
inside myself, <br>
for I'm beside myself, <br>
trying to pass each day <br>
without remembering<br>
the fireworks of Independence Day; <br>
While everything else escapes me, <br>
this memory<br>
is a stone in my throat. <br>
Like sugar in my coffee, <br>
I'm still convinced that we were meant to be<br>
even after you turned me down<br>
at midnight: our tacit fight in the<br>
(silver) ring<br>
doesn't have to mean anything... <br>
There's just something that tells me <br>
that things might be different<br>
(but perhaps, just the same) <br>
when you come back... <br>
<blockquote>I think it's the swelling<br>
in my heart which tells me that.<br>
112499 (9.19.99), #564</blockquote><p>
<b>Resolution I</b><br>
I'll watch the sun<br>
fall over the horizon<br>
and remember all <br>
of the fireworks we encountered<br>
on a First Night. <br>
Today was the first fright<br>
(secondary to Sunday nights), <br>
but I'm coming down, <br>
and you're coming home, <br>
and I'm too ready to surrender, <br>
I know. <br>
I remember<br>
too well your voice, <br>
though emptiness has left me too much choice<br>
between rhyme and reason. <br>
Though time has passed, <br>
the sun will come back<br>
to shine upon me<br>
(happiness). <br>
I've decided to destroy regret<br>
but to never forget<br>
to never love this hard again. 112099, #562<p>
<b>Resolution II</b><br>
I'd tell you more<br>
if I wasn't unsure<br>
where you'd fly from here. <br>
I'd make clay replicas<br>
of concert seats, <br>
easy chairs, and <br>
candle-lit dinners <br>
on the back patio<br>
if I didn't think they'd be <br>
glazed over at this point in time. <br>
It's gone, I know. <br>
I have admitted to myself--<br>
I've crashed too many nights. <br>
"No one's good enough for you," <br>
I've been told, <br>
so I've stopped expecting<br>
(or wanting) as much. <br>
Though I still reserve this seat for you<br>
by the sunset, <br>
for our secret<br>
I'll always remember<br>
a first kiss, <br>
a first peak into your soul, <br>
and the closing doors at the end <br>
of our tunneling, blinding<br>
love. <br>
And I'll go on, <br>
though it's gone<br>
and done. 112099, #563<p>
<b>Tin-Thin Tokens</b><br>
I'm coming down<br>
from my French champagne, <br>
the climactic development<br>
in my unruly rage<br>
of remaining too long<br>
in my otherwise empty cage. <br>
I admittedly didn't know what it all meant<br>
'til you left<br>
(caught in the webs<br>
of your already-tangled mind). <br>
You once locked me in<br>
as Loneliness<br>
as you kissed this girl<br>
good-bye. <br>
"Thanks for the time<br>
spent," you whispered<br>
as a farewell. <br>
It was then I knew<br>
I'd never kick this spell; <br>
I'd remain in this burning hell<br>
with copper-wire wings and<br>
a white choir gown, <br>
among other things<br>
I've tried to change about myself. <br>
But I can't help but wear<br>
my tin-thin ring<br>
and stare blankly until my eyes sting. <br>
Though I'm losing out<br>
even more than before, I know<br>
I'm arriving at remission--<br>
the only thing keeping me <br>
from falling into you<br>
is truth...and you know it better<br>
than I do. 111699, #554<p>
<b>A Purpose to Serve</b><br>
Homecoming is<br>
too fast for too good. <br>
I'd rather be swimming<br>
in your turquoise blues, <br>
but even you're sliding<br>
over the horizon into believing <br>
dreams.  It's easier, it seems, <br>
to do the rearranging in our own<br>
fantasies due to<br>
what we choose to <br>
see.  But I don't even care if you're <br>
reading closely... <br>
I'd rather see it blindly<br>
in the corners of my mind<br>
until the feelings start to remind<br>
me of something from a <br>
Sunday.  I couldn't bring it closer<br>
to the fact <br>
that I'd do anything to have you back... <br>
but I'll have to wait until the white<br>
fades to black<br>
to have it mystical, magical... <br>
<blockquote>maybe I'll see you on our <br>
gradual incline...</blockquote><br>
but the wheels begin to whine, <br>
the songs begin to slow<br>
as I try to let it flow<br>
into the waters where we... <br>
<blockquote>you know--<br>
it was just you and me...</blockquote><br>
But never again<br>
<blockquote>will I dream<br>
so hard.</blockquote><br>
110799, #549<p>
<b>Soliloquy in the Snow</b><br>
I took a walk through the midnight blizzard <br>
because my mom was too afraid of the weather conditions. <br>
But I could never thank her enough, for it was my mission<br>
to find myself in the melting snow tonight. <p>
I walked around the gravesite of our former life, <br>
and I had meant to leave flowers, <br>
but they would have only froze. <br>
But just like this picture<br>
—single footprints circling a single oblivion—<br>
our memories are frozen in blocks of time<br>
that no one will ever see again, <br>
that only we will remember and cherish. <p>
Admittedly, I tried to recreate our first glances, <br>
our first kiss, and our first dance<br>
in the reflecting moon, <br>
but it wasn’t the same; it was stained<br>
with the untouchable embraces, <br>
the solemn words, and the unconnected stares<br>
that cover our sacred tombstones for now<br>
and forever. <p>
I thought I was mad because I had no more chances, <br>
but I realized quickly I was merely mad to have lost control<br>
over all my romances. <br>
"I’ll dominate the next one!" I whispered to myself, <br>
but there were only snowflakes to hear me<br>
and no one there to relieve me. <p>
I took out the elegy my dear Cherub had written, <br>
and as I read allowed I saw that I had given too much; <br>
tonight was the first night that I ever regretted our adventure, <br>
and I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. <br>
Because tears would have frozen on frigid hands, <br>
I decided my laughter would better echo in the woods<br>
for all the future generations to learn from my wounds. <p>
It took this visit surrounded in death to recognize<br>
that I was not missing you but merely the memory. <br>
It took ten months of wanting<br>
to be only in your arms. <br>
It took nine months of waiting<br>
for the response I still have never heard. <br>
It took eight months of pure clarification<br>
to feel secure for once. <br>
It took seven months of indecision, <br>
even after the final resolution. <br>
It took six months away from my life<br>
to learn what’s on the other side.<p>
It took five months within a spell<br>
to finally light candles for the oversight. <br>
It took four months of endless analysis<br>
to decide I loved you more than myself. <br>
It took three months of "getting by," <br>
though I knew I’d say goodbye once more. <br>
It took two months of sex and here after to know this sex of words<br>
obliterated the meaning of anything else coming. <br>
And it took one month to lose you once more<br>
to find myself again.<p>
It took one walk around my grave to see<br>
that things will never be the way they were before. <br>
It took one walk outside my mind to see<br>
that I don’t need you anymore. 012100, #586<p>
<b>Silent Snow</b><br>
I skidded out of love that Tuesday night, <br>
past the red light, <br>
speeding through that familiar intersection. <br>
I learned a new direction; <br>
a new faith <br>
guided me through silent snow<br>
and frozen memories (in time). <br>
I promised never to forget, <br>
and I will never forget that promise<br>
and all it meant at the time then<br>
and "forever hours" afterward. <br>
I wouldn’t have wanted to lose you this way, <br>
but the tides parted that one day<br>
I forgot to speak to you. <br>
(I never forgot to know you.) <br>
But I don’t regret it; <br>
I was forced into a life<br>
that was more than a step, <br>
but I will learn and forgive those who forget. <br>
Somehow it’s all clearer now<br>
with each snow flake falling to tell me<br>
not to be afraid of being different. 011800, #585<p>
<b>Reflections in The End</b><br>
A reflection used to say so much<br>
until you realized it was backwards all along. <br>
He was beautiful and divine<br>
until you realized your perception was always wrong. <p>
...and I’d like to thank you for deserving me, <br>
completing me how I wanted to be. <br>
I’d take a star and place you on its point<br>
to shine above and far<br>
away from the monstrosity you left behind<br>
after you lost the urge to find<br>
your way through it all. <br>
You were there for the photographs<br>
while I was looking for more. <br>
You were there when we laughed ‘til it hurt, <br>
‘til we parted with a tear, <br>
but I was only supplied with fear. <p>
...and I wouldn't have wanted to lie<br>
when it came down to the end. <br>
But here is where I lie<br>
now, facing the mirror of The End, <br>
and I can only think how ironic it is<br>
that we'd take it to this place<br>
only to drop it thirteen stories once more. <br>
I didn’t know it would hurt more than before, <br>
but I was captured by your beauty<br>
and twist turned backwards<br>
in your sight. 011000, #581<p>
<b>Distanced Miles</b><br>
<i>to Mike V.</i><p>
I feel distanced<br>
now that I have come closer<br>
to understanding; <br>
I'm over<br>
analyzing the waves, <br>
the smiles. <br>
You could have driven for miles<br>
away from my mind, <br>
but again you've returned<br>
to pick me up, <br>
drop me off<br>
at the bus stop <br>
of sleeping realities<br>
that must have been printed<br>
on sunburns years' past. <br>
Passed years couldn't explain<br>
silenced fantasies<br>
or where they've taken me, <br>
but you could only imagine; <br>
you're the only one who ever saw it coming<br>
as the sun fell over me. <br>
Your body over me<br>
I once said. <br>
Now I can only plea for someone to<br>
"Save me, save me, save me," <br>
for no one will catch me. <br>
Help me find a way back to me<br>
now that I am closer to you. <br>
<blockquote><i>Unforgotten smiles<br>
for miles and miles.</i>011300, #582</blockquote>
<b>Foolish Smiles</b><br>
I woke up with my first regret<br>
of ever having believed<br>
you were dead-set in love, <br>
for I saw your smiles<br>
mirror her own, <br>
foolish (glaring) smiles, <br>
and you merely thought<br>
you were feeling the sun.<p>
I've tried to move passed<br>
the cupid's arrow, <br>
for it's another turn in line. <br>
It's time for me to sleep<br>
in hopes of finding love<br>
soaked through my eyes, <br>
each new morning, <br>
<blockquote>each new love.</blockquote><p>
I couldn't help but admit<br>
that spending seven days in the sun<br>
with you was one of the worst choices ever, <br>
but I wish I could tell you now<br>
with your new sunburned surrender<br>
that her smiles are not the sun<br>
from both sides; <p>
the sunbeam glare tends to die. 021100, #587<p>
<b>We Could Have Been</b><br>
Giving up on giving in. <br>
I guess we're better than we could have been<br>
in dimming lights of school courtyards--<br>
a secret full of shards<br>
of glass from shattering dreams<br>
of all we could have seen... <p>
Inspired once again: <br>
pushing that envelope towards "more than friends"<br>
makes it harder for bittersweet amends<br>
in the end--<br>
but is it ever<br>
over? <br>
<blockquote>I let it reign.</blockquote><p>
I feel the rain. <br>
It soaks through memories<br>
and stains them like strawberries<br>
of another erotic pleasure<br>
in only two minds. <br>
I'm the only one who finds that special<br>
apparently... missing more <br>
than the time it would ever take to unwind. <p>
So it was better to close down<br>
from the opening of the heart. <br>
It must have been another battle wound<br>
from another war against<br>
hard love. 031800, #592<p>
I've been told only love can win. <br>
Winners.  Losers. <br>
A million<br>
hearts are broken every day<br>
with no one left to spend <br>
the ransom<br>
on Starbucks treats<br>
and delicacies<br>
under sun-shot blankets, <br>
wrapped in the only warmth<br>
that'll ever remain true. <br>
(And even the Star belongs<br>
only to the blue-<br>
ness of every day.) <br>
The sun's moon is suddenly more blinding<br>
like your eyes were during the landing, <br>
feeling something never felt--<br>
and never to be felt again. <br>
I gave that to my best friend; <br>
an artificial security<br>
in hopes that one day the past will come alive. <br>
To reach a higher mountain, <br>
the hopes are to survive<br>
each test of your strength, <br>
each defeat of your challenge<br>
as the stage is shattered again. 032200, #594<p>
<b>First Time</b><br>
For the first time, <br>
she's angry for the last time<br>
you spent together<br>
in the company of each other<br>
while you knew<br>
the truth--<br>
this last time <br>
was the last time for good. <br>
For the better of the neighborhood, <br>
you promised never to play <br>
with these matches again<br>
and go back to the love of friends<br>
(with the touches of lovers), <br>
to seek amends<br>
knowing the rest will remain undercover<br>
to the rest of the world... <br>
this girl won't forget, <br>
can't regret the hard love<br>
but can never get<br>
it back to where you were<br>
that last time.<p>
And for the first time<br>
she'd like to say you were wrong... <br>
just in time to bleed<br>
away every last memory<br>
within every last song. 032200, #596<p>
Have you ever seen those eyes<br>
that just make your heart sting? <br>
So gorgeous that they'd make your head spin, <br>
always in disbelief<br>
that they're seeing you<br>
through the Iris of those caramel<br>
dreams--fields of strawberries<br>
that would never be the same. <br>
Screaming his name inside<br>
just so that the moment will never die. <br>
The eyes that search your soul<br>
for an invitation, <br>
the eyes that scan your body<br>
for an entrance, <br>
the eyes that drag your eyes<br>
for an understanding<br>
for the tears the night before. <br>
The eyes that you will love<br>
and remember forever<br>
for never making it as far<br>
as you might have liked. <br>
The eyes with broken stars, <br>
gazes of aggression, <br>
stares of compassion; <br>
eyes that will never succeed<br>
except in coating belief<br>
with crazy, caramel dreams. 032200, #597<center>


<font size="5"></font>
<a href="/rock/brytness">Rain falls on everyone...I'm just trying to</a><br>
<a href="mailto:brytness@aol.com">walk with you between the raindrops... ~SP</a><br>

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