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I’ve got to have you pinned to my ear

So you can save my life saying the things I need to hear

Gently beating me tender since it’s so hard to feel

And these days without your haze

They rot my heart but you weld it back with steel

I’ve dared to embed you in my brain

Risking your precious voice with fire every time I faint

For all this and less they have made men saints

But the abused dog always shies away from pain, not for an ounce of gain

I think I’m fading away, I think I’m aged, I think you

should just send me away

You’re the one that hasn’t left

So many times do phantom lips kiss

So pregnant with all the things that make men equal

And what make men like you saints

That’s why you’re pinned in my ear

Saying the things I need to hear

Invisible rays hope to peel shells away

And maybe it’ll be okay for just one day

And maybe that calm will last all the way

But maybe it’ll all fall apart again

But at least I have a key witness to my self-destruction

And I know I love you far beyond this function

2000-Basil Wentworth, TRTB. All Rights Reserved.

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