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Suck my cock, I'm happy
Suck my dick, I'm sad
It's all in a person's method
Or else I'd be very sad

If there weren't a method
We'd all be very much the same
And if we were all the same
Ther'd be nothing to being alive

Die falling down the stairs, I'm stupid
Murdered in Chicago, so sad
It's all in the circumstance
Either way I'm dead

If there weren't a circumstance
Our morals would be black and white
And when it turns to this, we lose all human sight
Without that, I'm a roach in a garbage can

Lead a revolution, I'm a hero
The only man weeping, I'm mad
Methods and circumstances
Without this we're not human at all

Sometimes it's good to live
Some days it's better to die
Some influence in death
Others support when alive

I'll be eternal,happy, sad, stupid, hero, or mad
I'll be eternal, some days it's better to die

1999 Straight Arrow Productions USA. All Rights Reserved.

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