instrument: guitar, background vocals, keyboards on 'untrue'
marital status: dating heather mcmillian
meegs joined the band when he responded to an ad in the newspaper put out by dez.
children: savannah fayth, age 8, her mother is tonya rice
age: 26
location: ca
birthdate: august 20, 1973
sign: leo
ethnicity: half mexican, half chinese
was a nerd when he was a kid in school
worst job was working at starbucks coffee
initially wanted the band to be called 'chamber'
wears glasses/contacts
has his nipples, ears, chin, eyebrow, and nose pierced and has various tattoos
used to practice guitar for 8+ hours as a teenager
uses b.c. rich guitars, sit strings
adores porn star jenna jameson
lost his virginity at age 18
used to live with jay gordon of orgy (producer of 'coal chamber')