Domain Information


I have looked through countless domains searching for the best with the best price to match. There are domains that are cheaper in price but the reliability of them may not be the same as others. Below is the information of the Domain I feel fits this catagory.

Domain Direct

The Personal Idenity Accounts Include The Following:

Domain Name ( )
Matching Email Adress ( )
Email Catch-All & Auto-Responder
5 Email Forwards
Domain Forwarding & URLKeeper
10 Subdomain Forwards
Zone File EditingThe price for 1 year is $34.99
The price for 2 years is $59.99
The price for 5 years is $119.99

If you choose a yearly account, when it is coming to an end, they will email you to notify you of a renewal of your domain. At any given time you can change any of the above items I mentinoned above that's included in this package. If you purchase this domain package it will be updated on your website within a 24 hour period, including any changes you choose to make at any given time will automatically be updated within that 24 period also.