CruSH PaSt PrEseNt and FUtuRe.....
THE FIRST ALBUM: Yeti-Yeti-ology
This was our first recorded album ever. Recorded with Don Jacobs still in the band, the five of us crammed into Steve's Uncle's house and busted out on a four track. It took us one weekend over spring break '99. The album included: Perfect Ending, Wombat Creek, Jonny was a Racer, Ice Cream Bars, and some covers to add to the demo. The tape came out pretty good and we were all excited to get a tape out to places. But of course we were all thinking about our next album......
This was our big album. It was our pride and joy of recording. We took a trip out to GFI productions and spent ten hours in a studio recording and recording our songs. We were all excited and we all loved the outcome. This album included songs like: Chicka Chicka, Clammy the Car, Drive myself Crazy, PacMan, Losing You, Demon Slayer, Stab in the Side, Light, My Shit, and Kidnapped. We were so excited to get these songs onto a cd, we are currently selling the cd for like 6 bucks if you want one just email us.
Once upon a time, in 1995, Alex met Steve in elementary school. They would joke about the idea of having a band and would every once in a while jam. Of course it sounded like shit. In 1998, after Alex and Steve had gone through loads of members and tons of practices, they finally decided on Ron to be the bassist. Still the band was Steve on guitar, Ron on bass, and Alex on Drums, they were without a singer. In 1998 the band met Mark and he became the second guitarist. On stage the band would constantly change insruments and Alex was forced into singing. Later on that next year, Mark ran into some legal problems and had to leave the band....nothing more to say there. In 1999 Ron, Alex, and Steve, decided to make Don a bassist, and Ron would move to keyboards. But that wasn't working out real well. Don then introduced the band to a small little boy named Brad. Brad was a god of drums. He was immediatley hired, Ron took the bass back and Alex and Don became the singers. Two singers would prove not to work well so Don was ejected from the band(but if you ask him he quit wink wink). The band was finally set. This now brings us to where we are today. We are currently working a few new songs and getting ready to start work on our next album. So you should buy the collection and worship us, because we are gods of pubic hair. Plus I know where you live you homo erectus. Garbage trucks are funny obstacles of life, they make me want to kick my nuts through my ass cheeks, ow that would hurt. I'm going to stop and roll around on the floor. CRUSH RULES!