-The drunken ones face Lionheart (a chippy but otherwise lame team) tonight in game 2 of a 2 game playoff series. The Devils waxed Lionheart last week 8-2 and should do much of the same tonight, despite the absence of a certain #7, who is out with a broken collar bone. HAHA. Next week, the winner of the series will go on to the finals to likely face the first place, but still lame, Associates. Wish us luck. -The Devils were treated with a season ending prize last week. This season, the prize was a lovely black baseball hat with the Devils logo embroidered in red stitching on the front and the player's number on the back. Nice right? Well, one would think so. However, the lads who were assigned to order les chapeaux were prompted by the insistence of certain teammates that they be of the fitted variety. So, in come the afore mentioned lads with a strip of measuring tape. They measure each and every teammate's head, free of charge, and proceed with the ordering detail. Well, doesn't the entire shipment of lids come in about 5 sizes too large for the player's melons. Needless to say, the lovely Devil's baseball hats will be used by the drunken puck whackers soley as momentos of that glorious 1999-2000 season. |