This is where all the mentionable stories about hating Fred Durst are... If you have a story, just post it on the message board or e-mail it to me at Thanks, now read on...

Person's story

My response

The person name that wrote the story



He is such a f---ing ass. Way back when LB were on Warped, I too loved them. I have and still listen to 3 doller bill
yall$. Anyway, he's a f---en pedophile. A friend of mine (younger) went to see them on Warped when she was in 8th
grade. He was coming on to her, asking her if she wanted to come back to trailor, etc, etc. It was GROSS. I just told
him to back off, and we left. I've heard stories like this everywhere. Holy s--- man, COME ON TO PEOPLE YOUR OWN AGE! Geezus!

I'm glad SOMEONE ELSE realizes what an egotistical ASSHOLE he is. I blame him alone for LB selling out. It
makes me feel sorry for the rest of the band.

By: phreaked out kiddo (posted by him or her on the message board)

I really don't know what to say about this... I've heard many things about Fred Durst, but never anything like this. This is the sickest thing i've heard yet. And after all the "born again christian" bullshit he talks about, and the song "No Sex" and all his other bullshit he tries to pull, something like this comes up. I told you Fred is one fucked up individual... but not this fucked up. To preaked out kiddo: thanks so much for bringing this to our attention.


hell yeah, he'll be autographing the covers of teen beat magazine and hittin on the 8 year old girls that own the mag at
the same time, what a phuckin sell out biatch

By: Stizzum (taken from his post on the message board)

I thought this was pretty funny... thanks Stizzum.


I read on another board where (and this is for real) that Fred Durst came on to some guy's girl while they were holding
hands and everything. The chick went backstage, sucked him off, and then the dude she went with actually gave her a
ride home....I would have left her ass so fast.

But here's my beef...I think he acted like the biggest jack at the MTV Awards. Really, I mean, Ricky Martin does only
exsist to be made fun of, but not like that man...he made himself look like a 10th grader. Maybe that's why he like to
f--- them so much...he has a 15 year old alter ego or something. Who knows? The thang is, he's a very insecure little
man with a Nepolean complex and when LB is over, poor Fred just might be doing time for statutory rape.

Another bit of gossip on him is that in LA he's on everyone's s--- list...apparantly he's pissed people off all over the
place and that's why he need body guards. What a chump.

just me (off of the message board)

This was a pretty interesting story. It's amazing to me all these stories about Fred Durst having sex with groupies come up after (preaked out kiddo) brought up that story about the underaged girl getting hit on by Fred. In his interviews, he always talks about how he prays like 2 or 3 times a day... i don't believe any of it. I think it's one big cover up. Someone seriously has to stand up and say something about this, but Fred Durst probably has like Mafia connections or something, so be careful.



First of all, SLIPKNOT RULES!!!! I've met them and they are sooo fucking cool!! and second of
all, your website is a god send!! Fred Durst need to be stabed in the head repeatedly! I feel
the exact same way you do. I too, got "3 dollor bill ya'll" and liked it. And when "faith"
started to get played, the same losers who would come up to me when I'd wear my limp bizkit
shirt (which I have now burned) and ask "who the hell are they?" were now coming up to me and
saying "oh my god, I'm their biggest fan!!!" I later started to realise that fred was starting
to sell out. Then, their second "album" came out. And it was the WORST thing I have ever heard!
Fred Durst wouldn't know good lyrics if they flew up his ass!! He also went on to say, that if
it wasn't for ross robinson, significant other would be their first album! I was DEEPLY
offended when he kicked System Of a Down off family values, and kicked people wearing taproot
shirts out of the arena. Who the hell does he think he is!?! God? And did you hear what he said
about Hendrix? "I don't think the Hendrix version of the anthem is good." THIS drew the line!
where does a man with NO talent what so ever, get off judging the best guitarist that ever
lived!?! Limp Bizkit isn't a band, their a walking Ad!! Well thanks for listing to me bitch

Catch you later,

Adam "AnTi DuRsT BiZkiT" Bernstein

Ok, now so most of you "LB Fans" think i make shit up and shouldn't believe anything i hear about Fred, This is a prime example that there are THOUSANDS of other people out there that FEEL THE SAME EXACT WAY I DO... More points made in this e-mail. Fred is a stuck up asshole that is getting passed off as a musician which HE SHOULDN'T BE. HE IS NOT A MUSICIAN... HE CANNOT WRITE LYRICS, I COULD WRITE THE LYRICS TO FUCKIN BREAK STUFF IN A HALF AN HOUR... and he completely fucked up "Cambodia" by making it a shout out song, well, he had to... CAUSE CAMBODIA WAS ORIGINALLY A SONG ABOUT LB DEVOTING THEMSELVES TO STAYING AN UNDERGROUND BAND, which they completely ARE NOT anymore. Next time an "LB fan" posts a diss at me on the fuckin messageboard, you are speaking to a WHOLE LEGION of people and just not me, i'm just the only one that felt like making a website about it cause no one else wants to waste their time, and i'm amazed i did... i have more important things to worry about.... Thanks Adam


I live in Virginia. Limp did a concert in Hampton. The local rock station FM99 WNOR was there to support the
band. One of the sweetest girls in the world, Jennifer White, tried to interview Fred Dick. He cursed her out for not
having more than one Limp picture on the wall of the van. He was a complete jerk. The fans were able to hear him
because the producer didn't pull the plug. He cursed her for 3 minutes. We love Jenifer White. We hate Fred. The
Jennifer White fans protested. We wrote Fred's mom. She apologized for him. He didn't have the balls to say he was
sorry. WHAT A PRICK! I will never support Fred. That my story. We demanded the station boycot Limp. They
don't get radio play like they use to get. I think it's great. I live this sight. I'm telling all my friends.



Skippy D. Bushkangaroo

There is so many ways Fred Durst is a son of bitch... this is just another reason. Everyone thinks Fred is such a nice guy, bull crap... he's only nice when he's in front of the camera or in front of a 14 year-old girl. And to anyone comes here saying that all these stories are bull shit, think again. I've heard similar stories like this on Rock-zine sites. Thanks to Skippy for bringing this one up.


I feel just like you, and when I bought three dollar bill yalls a long time ago I thought that limp bizkit was great and so
fred durst. But I never NEVER bought significant other because I had the oportunity to hear it before it was released
and it was a huge piece of s--- like a hiphop wannabe or something like that. Their used to be metal style was lost.
Then when tha f---in piece of s--- cd was released all the stupid cocksuckers from my school (including sluts that
heared five and backstreet GAYS) were singin " nookie nookie"
and on MTV the f---ing video clip was played llike 10 times per day. At that point i started to hate FRED, not limp
bizkit because wes borland and the bassist kick ass.
his is for fred: 8============================D


This is almost completely how i feel about the whole situation, except i actually wasted my money and bought significant other, which is now in the hands of some bitch that stole it out of my locker (I was planning to sell it). This is pretty much hits the nail on the head with me, but also along with other reasons i hate Fred. Once again, sorry for the censoring... the messageboard does that automaticly and i copy and pasted this from there. Thanks XET


For those who are interested:Yesterday LB were on/in(?sorry, my English is horrible) a German TV show called
2ROCK. Sam didn't say ONE word, Wes almost fell asleep because he was so bored about being in Germany. And
last and least: Mr. Durst did nothing but make fun of the host (who's English was better than mine), he just talked
about how great the new video is and how many jobs he's doing at the moment. LB don't think that it's necessary to
play some gigs in Germany 'cuz they're so big rockstars in the USA. I wonder why they do have any fans here. By the
way: I think the N 2gether now video is crap, Fred thinks that he's funny, but he isn't. He should have eaten that Pizza
and died of it.


Well, I think it is awesome that we are getting feedback from other countries! Thanks for the story Paul


I live in Ny and I went to the K-Rock Disfunctional Picknick where Limp
Bizkit played. Now I liked them for a while, but that was the last straw. I
am also a huge NIN fan, and I didn't apreciate it went he called Trent and
NIN fans cock sucking homos. He put down Trent, who worked his way up, and
it 100x more talented then Durst will ever be, and he knocks one of the best
bands out there, besides System of a Down. LB road on Korns coat tails,
uintil Korn said get the fuck off out backs, then Limp went on there own and


Fred has no right saying anything bad about Reznor, he is one of the most talented musicians probably ever in the business. Fred has no talent at all, 3 dollar bill was one of the most emotionally driven albums I ever heard, but then significant other came out and just proved that Fred's song writing ability turned for the worst. Thanks Miseryzway for the story...


Hey. My friend's brother won some tickets and backstage passes to Family
Values, and he took her along. So she was eating lunch with Bizkit and she
asked Fred for His autograph. The fatass loser called her a bitch and told
her to leave him alone. How can anyone stick up for a prick that doesn't even
treat his fans well? Limp Bizkit is all about the money, not the music. And
about the food, not the fans. Yeah, maybe Durst seems nice on MTV, but it's
just an act. He's doing it so people will like him, but what's to like about
a fat, ugly dickless, evil little man? Nothing. I saw a little girl maybe 7
or 8 years old wearing a Limp Bizkit shirt, with BSB written all over her
backpack. All of Durst's fans are teeny boppers. And whats this shit about
SlipKnoT fans being fat and ugly? Boycott Bizkit.

SlipKnoT Fan Forever,


WORD. That's all I gots to say... Thanks for the story Kellie


when i was 17 lb did a video for Faith (a different one than the one that was
aired on mtv) and me and my girlfriend were in it.the enitre day i was forced
to endure Fred's gawking at me and my tits. It was so bad to where i was
avoiding him at all costs and he would make lame attempts at conversing with was just sick. By the last scene i was fed up and trying to hide as
far away from him as possible, and when the car drove away that had fred and
his bride in it, i figured that standing behind the car would be as far away
from him as i could possibly get. wrong...he would contiuosly turn around
(despite the fact that he was driving) and stare at me.. sheesh...
when it was announced that fred was caning the video i was pissed... so when
i approached him at a deftones concert to ask where i could get a copy of the
video, he rolled his eyes at me and told me that he was to busy to talk to me
and that he had to go to the "vip" room..since he is oooh so important right?
At this point i was just really fed up with Fred and when i ran into him at
another show, i didnt not refrain from telling him where he could shove it
and that he was an asshole. The whole argument lasted a good 15 minutes where
he proceeded to call me a bitch and sign all his autographs "fred asshole
durst". The son of a bitch got off on it. It just did not go through that fat
ass head of his that i was serious...and he further enraged me by then
telling me that i was cool and that he admired me.. and that i was like him!
I WAS LIKE HIM?! i'd rather kill myself than ever be like Fred.

oh well...
and on another note.. it is true that fred is on everyone's shit list in LA.
i have friends who worked at flip, interscope and CAA and they all hate him.
And from what i've heard.. everyone at intercope is dying for LB to have a
flop so that they can fire him...
he may be a good business man, but the faget cant sign a decent band if his
life depended on it.

Anonymous (at the person's request to stay anonymous)


Good day,
I just visited your site and I immediately bookmarked it. It is a great site, with an even
greater point/purpose. Fred Durst is a shitty guy, with no talent. I, like most, bought 3
Dollar Bill Y'all$ and LOVED it(except for Faith, it had been overplayed way too much). All the
songs were great. Then, I bought Significant Other, which was anything but "Significant". This
album was terrible(I did like Break Stuff, only because it sounded a little like the first
album). I lost the album, and frankly, I wouldn't accept money for that thing back. Now, onto
what type of person Fred is. Well...he SUCKS. Reading those stories on your "Why?" section,
opened my eyes a little more to why I hate him so much. Honestly, I don't even know why Jon
Davis/KoRn/Scott Wyland(Maybe it's the heroin?)/Method Man/Filter/any other band would
associate themselves with Fred/Bizkit. Jon Davis is one of the greatest singer/songwriter out
there, because a little bit of himself goes into EVERY song, except All in the Family...and who
was in that song??? None other than Fred Durst. Do you think Fred Durst would ever break down
and cry while singing a song? Hell no. Do you think Fred Durst would ever sing about fucking
and killing his stepmom? Nope. Fred just sucks. Limp Bizkit sucks(except for Wes, he should
seriously find another What kind of name is "Limp Bizkit"? Think Fred named it
after himself or a condition he may have...maybe?

Finally, I, like you, am from "the 'Burgh"(Let's go PENS!) and I was very pissed off when I
heard "Show Me What You Got" and they did not mention Pittsburgh. They said some cities twice
or three times, but no 'burgh. They even fuckin mentioned Cleveland(no offense to Cleveland),
but seriously, Fred Durst needs to just fuckin die or something.

Thank you for listening to my rants,

Is it me or do people think the same exact way I do? It's ironic... or is it that Fred actually is an asshole? Oh yeah, I heard a rumor floating around that "Limp Bizkit" is actually a game where a group of guys stand in a circle with a biscuit in the middle of them, and they all jack off and bust on the biscuit! the last one to bust has to eat it! I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP... I seriously heard this somewhere on a metal-zine message board. Anyway, mad thanks for your story.