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Make a wish upon this star...

Just wanted you to know that



You have just made a wish on Pooh's Wishing Star!

Pooh's Wishing Star is a very special sort of wishing star.
And you, , have been given the chance to make a wish on it!
Somebody who cares for you very much, namely ,
believes that you deserve the sun, moon, and all the stars in the sky.
And also wants to thank you a thousand times over
for all the joy and happiness you have brought everyone around you.

Now wants you to make a special wish from inside your heart,
a wish that will make you as happy as you make everyone who's life you have touched.
And hopes you realize just how much really cares about you,
that 's your #1 fan, and that no matter what, 'll always be there for you.
In other words, will never ever stop caring for you.

Friendship is like a beautiful star in the sky...
May this star shine forever
And may it continue to glow
Until the sun and moon fall from the sky
May it continue to shine
As brightly as the twinkle in my eyes
When I see you.

Pass this along to anyone who you feel is worthy of what is written above.
Be sure and send this to , , and !
Send it to them via e-mail, messanger or ICQ, and if they aren't "wired", why not print it off for them?
Oh, and don't forget to send this URL back to !

This page is dedicated to all of those who make and want a true friend
True friends last forever.

You also can send this to your parents, kids, grandparents, and anybody in your family
Because they deserve all the stars in the sky.

Come on people! Show a little love and pass this thing on!

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