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Hazmat the Interaction

Hazmat The Interaction

This page is for you to voice yourself on.sign the guestbook,message board,and vote for favorite Hazmat things.Please come often because this page will be ever-changing.

Please Vote below

Voting Poll
What is your favorite Hazmat tune?
Under The Influence
Greatest Hate
Stop Fall
Fade It Away
Pull My String
American Anthem
My Wish
Vacated Voice
or other ( Restroy,Learning To Die,Dead Leach,ect.,ect.)
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Fav. new HAZMAT song
non-cd plus new Hazmat songs,which is your favorite?

Fade It Away
Dont Flatter Yourself
Fear (Hello my name is...)

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Our new T-shirts
Help us decide on the back of our t-shirts.

Who cares what the shirt says .....I got it at a HAZMAT show
Got a little too toxic with HAZMAT
Let Me Taste the Life Of Sin (from Ride)
Temptation Starts To Bite (from Under)
Got Toxic with Them
Wishing You Well , Stop Screaming My Name (from GH)
I Feel Abused (from Wake)
[ ] Beer , [ ] Sex , [ ] HAZMAT
Hello My Name Is........Fear
none of the above (send any ideas)

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Sign The Hazmat Log

The old Hazmat message board