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Hazmat interview get to know the guys

What is your.... favorite movie?

  • David..... Roadwarrior
  • Michael.....All Star Wars,Message In A Bottle,Almost Famous,Fasttimes at Ridgemont high
  • Jon
  • MeMe
  • Bill....Rock Star

    favorite actor/actress?

  • David.....Mickey Rourke,Serenity
  • Michael.....Ethan Hawke,Kenin Costner,Rachel Weisz,Fairuza Balk,Phoebe Cates,Mira Sorvino,
  • Jon
  • MeMe
  • Bill.....Adam Sandler,Cameron Diaz,Ron Jeremy,Amber Lynn

    favorite food?

  • David.....Lasagna
  • Michael.....pasta,pizza
  • Jon
  • MeMe

    favorite band?

  • David.....Nuclear Assault,Overkill
  • Michael.....Virgos,Cold,Filter,Alice Cooper
  • Jon
  • MeMe
  • Bill.....G-n-R,Faster Pussycat

    favorite song?

  • David....."Brainwashed"Nuclear Assault
  • Michael....."Kiss My Disease"Virgos Merlot,Ballad of D'wight Frye...Alice Cooper
  • Jon
  • MeMe
  • Bill....."For Now" Enuff Z Nuff

    favorite Hazmat song?

  • David.....Under The Influence
  • Michael.....Greatest Hate,My Wish
  • Jon
  • MeMe
  • Bill.....Fade It Away, Ride

    favorite saying?

  • David....."Where's my other beer at?"
  • Michael....."If anybody has gotta go to the bathroom,you better go now 'cause I aint stopping again till we get there"
  • Jon
  • MeMe
  • Bill....."F**K You"

    favorite color?

  • David.....Black
  • Jon
  • MeMe
  • Bill.....Black

    pet peeve ?

  • David.....Water hose's (Dont ask Douche boy)
  • Michael.....nasty stupid people,
  • Jon
  • MeMe
  • Bill.....Billy Corgan,Rap,Stupid people

    LINKS OUT The Starting Line

    Email: Hazmat mail