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My poems

i add poems often so ,check often...yeah. *please note that i put only a fraction of the poems that i write on this site*

-sure of you-

click to read Sure of You

Heres one thats supa secret and no one has seen! feel special for reading this 1. its dedicated to someone who means alot 2 me ;)

I felt the tension in the air,
the pinch upon my side,
and the smile thru my eyes,
I felt the warmth & the care,
the cool january air,
that look upon your face,
like finally he's arrived,
been gone most the day,
but the smile I see on your face,
makes up for all the time,
I spent thinking of it inside,
and your thought brought such concern,
either your just friendly,
or more soon I guess,
time will tell,
cuz I've been patient,
my hearts been away since,
the first time I was aware,
I had a heart to fill with joy,
from the sight of my affection,
it's nice to feel this again,
but your still now, just a good friend.

and if you knew,
what ive gone thru,
im sure that you would,
laugh at me,
its all me,
cause my lifes mistakes and all ive done,
its all my fault, its all become,
consequences to what i live,
and chain reactions to shit i did,
and nothing i do will change my fate,
and you all expect me to concentrate,
on living life like the world so thinks,
i cant live that, that life just stinks,
being good and following law,
that kind of life holds nothing for all,
and being a good boy, and listing hard,
wont get me anyway, execpt in arms,
of crowds of ppl and "big brothers" arms,
i just want to run from, the life i lead,
and stop thinking, only about me,
and my mistakes well ive paid in my heart,
cuz my mistakes are all my fault,
and yet i continue to disobey,
i lead astray from the life they lay,
infront of me, how could i see,
this life thats here, its not for me,
i wish you knew that, i wish you saw,
that the life your painting is your own art.

and i walk upon the tar,
because i see nothing afar,
the road will lead me feet away,
cuz i can only see today,

and i look up to the sky,
yet i have to look away,
to the ground i gaze away,
at the ground is where i lay,

and i see the passing cars,
im the only one to walk,
cuz everyone else,they see careers,
and everyone else sees dreams,
and everyone else knows how to reach,
and i think ill take it easy,
i think ill just walk easy...

and ill take another footstep,
into your arms i will now fall,
and although i havent met you,
im sure i will sometime this fall,

and the fall will surely bring you,
because in fall is where my luck is,
because falls when everythings falling,
to the ground on which i lie.

The unknown,
is all i truly know,
cuz i know nothing of how you feel.
who do you watch for,
first thing in the morning,
and im sure im not the face,
you seek to be with,
that one you talk to,
cuz you hope they feel the same way,
the one that you look for,
cuz u hope they have come,
to be with you,
cuz im jsut stoner,
or atleast i used to b,
and i write these words for you,
even tho you dont know,
i speak of you this way.

Where do i stand,
in the grand scheme of things?
does anyone look forward,
to seeing me there?
i seem so useless,
cuz nobody cares,
nobody truly knows that im here,
nobody looks forward to,
seeing me today,
and nobody awaits,
for me to care,
for them cuz,
i guess i dont matter,
to anyone here,
in the way that they,
matter to me,
the few that i feel for, and the friends that i have,
im sure wouldnt notice,
if i was never here,
no one would miss me,
cuz nobody shares feelings,
in this world anymore.

I'ld rather hang onto, this feeling inside, it's for you... i dont want to fuck up, if i ever make my move, it'll be for you... i want it to last, and never to fade, cause i know jsut how fast, feelings can grey, it's for you... yet sitting solves nothing, this i do know, im afraid of moving, and losing this feeling, thats for you... i want to come to you, but silence keeps me away, nothing stops me, but the walls I've built, that were for her... I want someone to talk to, just like i do, with you... i know im feeling, something thats not, with you... but I'll just await my nothing, and hope for something, from you...
this lite from inside that has shown, the way to go for me now, the torment inside has so grown, from when i used to think from when i used to think? what am i to do,when only i am feeling blue, sitting inside is this image of you, and how u used to look, and how i used to long,for only a second of your time, and how you used to say the words you say, and act the way you do, and now ,ive slowly come to realize, it might not be for you... i want it to be,but fate cant be true, the life i would love, is merely a truth, for your love, is too far from me
I long for you,your wonderful hold,your caring voice to soothe the cold,your near to touch yet far away,i have no chance for you caring embrace.

-(once again,made up now)-

I cant see,wuts in this for me,
the things i learn,just arent for me,
with nothing to hold,and no way to live,
i think ill give up,and see wuts past this,
but maybe i wont,and figure a way,
to get back togather,with someone,some day,
this emptiness does get to me,its kills me so bad,
that everyday i live,i feel this zombie inside,
moving around but im not in me,im somewhere else,viewing from outside,
this terrible life.

but maybe its better,if i just drag on,
ill try to discover,just y u go on,
u just never give up,like everyone else,
but is this because,none see inside,
nobody knows wut someoen is thinking,
they all just assume,that everyones happy,
is this because,this world is so screwed up?

-(again i did it right now)-

is all so distorted,
my life so distorted,
my ways so grim or is,
this life some fucked test of time?
to see if we hold up,or when will we fold up,
is this what im meant to find?
that nothing is real but its all one big fake,
created to play with our minds,
this life that i hold to,is just so empty,
that molding is a waste of time,
what happens if i pull pack,and float off to death then,
will i find what this' for?
why am i alive....


beauty passes by,
without turning an eye,
thinking of others to help make their lives,
but looking the wrong way to find wut they wish,
to arrogance and popularity to make their lives,
making me feel like im not alive,
is something i used to prize,
but now im ok and miss the looks that wander past my eyes,
such beauty that passes by,
simply turns the other eye...
looking the wrong way for love,
is something theyre faulted with,
but one day itll happen and i cant help but imagaine,
how great my life will be.

-(made up now)-

i am so alone within my head,
i am so scared of wuts going to be,
what will i turn to after i am out of me
what will i chase to when u memory still sits?
when will i care wut my life amounts to,
is the question of the day,
and for a while,
i'd like to think,
someone wants to hold me.....

and for now,ill settle for nothing,
while i await nothing,
nothing to wake me,
nothing to share,
nothing to hold on to,when i get lonely at night,
though your thought lingers,
ive passed it for of the world,
ive given u up for ,
imagine that...


cut the cord,
snap at fate,
u wanted less than i could take,
so i shut it off and walk away,
but decisions i make involve my head up my ass,
and u in my past,
so its done and gone,
and poeple ask of your life,
i shrug i dunno,
but maybe i will some day...

i want more than u can understand,
my attention is all u demand,
nothing more than a friend is what u want,
simply a glimmer of hope left to rot,
so i sit lonely and i just say,
it is over so lets stay away,
i cant take this lif apart,
you cant just stay in and take my life apart,
so stay away and let me be,
you cant just hold me close to you,
so its in the past,
it'll go away,
maybe we will meet someday...


love ,love all around,
down,down,not but a frown,
across my face as i seal my fate,
cleans my mind of emptiness and sorrow,
fills it with images of the near,
shows the road im meant to take,
helps me through the longs night awake.


mental explosion,
onto the pad,
on which my dreams are so endlessly sad,
it helps me dream of brighter days,
eases the pain when my minds away,
causes a surge of happiness,
in which darkness sits.

-hates me-
no one for james,
no one for me,
nobody likes me,
nobody cares,
everyone hates me,
because im just there,
because i dont fake me,
because i dont care,
what others think of me,
but nothing stops their glares,
so everyone follows, their friends advice,
everyone ignores the one with a choice,
nobody likes me ,
nobody cares,
no one will hold me,
just cuz im there

-darkest light-
i stop myself from anothers hold,
underneath i cry alone,
i screatch to a halt in front of another,
i take myself away from another,
i remove myself before they say,
their own harsh words,
so terrible are they,
they think they are on top,
they command their life,
in reality though,
they are spared no light,
they are tormented day and night,
sinful beings of a harsher life,
they are copyed and sold,
to show the plight,
of human beings and their darkest light.

shock of the past,
has finally caught up,
fear of the future has not ceased its fight,
so unsure of whats to be,
so terrified to do whats right for me,
so alone without a hand next to me,
so why must i live?
what stops the inevitable?
nothing i can see will stop it from hitting me,
but what will it be that sneaks from behind,
stops me from suicide at the darkest time?
another hand,
or a simple twist of fate?
what will decide how i die tonight.

its 4 in the morning,
im silently mourning,
i wish i could sleep but i cannot figure why,
my mind is racing,
my heart is pacing,
the speed at which i think,