Welcome to Me

This is where I letcha all know a lil bit about myself...

I'm your not so average(or so i like to think) 16 year old kid who lives in a small, boring, and tiring town. One time drug dealer gone straight edge( to my dismay) and one time lover to single bastard(also to my dismay) i spent my days writing poetry and playing my guitar...which seem to be my best talents. I enjoy spending time with my friends, causin some ruckus n such ;) lol. I love music, it has been a driving force in my life for the past couple years, and a major impact upon who i am, and how i think. With this said, heres some quick shiznitz...

Favorite past times: Poetry
Playing my guitar
chillin with the homies
*Not being in school*
Enjoying time by myself

Favorite Bands:
TOOL, StainD, Reveille, Cypress Hill, Cold, Alive in Chains, Deftones, Matchbox 20, Third Eye Blind, Boy Hits Car, NaS and god knows what else....good shit, good shit!

Favorite Song:
H- Tool, Motorcycle drive-by- 3eB, Would?- Alice in Chains, Hang- Matchbox 20, In your eyes-Aaron lewis(early shit b!)

Favorite People:
Even tho i get along with alot of people, these are the people i can think of off the top of my head...
Matt, Kevin, Josh, Alan, Z, Cody, Zach P, Cara, Lacey, Priscilla, Lee, Heather, Ashley, Alexis, Sara, Erik, Greg.....shit, cant think of anyone else guys!

Favorite Memory(s):
Walking along the road with someone very important to me( that applies to 2 of the above listed, i hope you know who are guys are!B!

Burning dem bones with josh...guy good times ;)

Favorite Favorite: Favorite

If i could change one thing about the world it would be:
To eliminate Television from the entire world.

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