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VIEWS on A buncha SHIT


Alright, this is my revised view of everything these days...


I have come to realize over the past months that beings ones self is what lifes about. Being oneself means no barriers towards social and physical displays of yourself. meaning whatever think, do it regardless of what others may think. Not following crowds, not doing the "cool thing to do" or being "trendy" is part of this. What i have learned whatever the fuck you want. My previous theory of individuality was flawed. It was based mainly upon how others look at you, and how they percieve what you are doing. ANd in a way this goes against the theory itself. So in the end ive figured it out, fuck it, dont worry about hows ppl look at you, dont worry if your doing the "cool thing to do" just do what u want. Dont let ppl get in your way of doing this either. You shouldnt be confining yourself to the rules of individuality you( myself mainly) that u have set, just do what you want. its that simple. IM not sure if any of this makes sense, but i know what im talking about. lol.


Music is still very important to me, and my views of music have changed little. Music should mean something to you, because it means something to someone. And if it doesnt, and its just a little bit of time some money-eyed musician has concocted to created what he sees, then its simply trash. HOwever , if you can find meaning in this, then i guess it is worth your time. I personnaly cannot stand pop music, and by this i mean the bands that have been created with the soul purpose of achieving commercial success.IE Boy bands, and little girls like britney spears and christina aguilara. This type of music was made for a cd, and is not even sang on stage, it is lipsynced. this is not music, im sorry ppl but wake up!



i personnaly dont care for familys. They are important during younger years, but as we grow up, they simpley become a nuisance. I could easily go w/o mine assuming i had a job and was self sufficient...and believe me i want to be.


Are important. It is important that feelings are mutual though, or else a harsh lesseon may follow a short relationship. If you dont feel the same thing for someone as they do for you, it is your responibility to not lead them on, and to make it clear to them , before the situation worsens. This may be an incredible hard thing to do, but in the end it is the right thing. Ppl with mental problems(depression...) are an obstacle though. I know fomr experience that this is so. However the same rules apply, the truth is better than a lie. let them know.


drugs....arent all bad. Hard drugs (coke, herion, pcp, speed etc...) are bad. These are things that can and will kill you. heres some interesting tidbits of info on coke or herion, i cant completely remember which one...... In lab tests, when administerd the drug, a lab rat has continued to self administer the drug until it died. It was so addicting that a rat, continued to give itself the drug until it died. This is insane, these are drugs that are dangerous. The scariest thing about them, is they work. They are great at what they are meant to do, whatever that may be for someone.

Marijuana, however, is not nearly as bad. Pot has been used to thousands of years for hundreds of purposes. From clothing, to food, and to the obvious use of to get blazed it is a miracle plant. Although it can be addicting, i see not, the harm in this. If it makes someone happy to be stoned all the time, where is the harm? are they hurting you? the US government seems to think so. Addiction of this drug is non fatal, and although it may impact your health in the end, the impact is negligable. Not much harm done at all. I personally see no harm in this drug, and fully endorse its use. However currently the law has power over my drug using, and obviously, they arent condoning it. So fuck!

Another thing about drugs: have you ever heard the expression, " Dont judge a book by its cover"?, well if you apply this to your view of drugs, you will find that all you have ever been taught does not matter...only wether u like it or not will. If use responsibly it can do some good things for you, however, let ur habit get out of control, and you have yourself, a dirty little habit.


as much as i wanna say fuck school i know somehow that it will help. Even though, the only real education that will matter is college. Its too bad our current society has been so sadly built upon money and a thing so easy to access has been pinned with a price tag.


i really dont like this country and let it be known that as soon as i am self sufficient and out of highschool i fully intend to attend college in THe netherlands. A country with much fewer limitations on living.

i apologize if little of this makes any real sense, im extremely tired at the moment of writing, and oh well. However keep in mind that , it may not make sense simply because u cant accept the ideas i have put forth.... im just sayin!if you have any comment or wutever mail me, i appreciate your insight.
