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Sure of You

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this one is dedicated to briana,for inspiring me to write this.

Past the heart and beneath the soul,
deeper than pain aand below your brain,
things that stur are darker than hate,
things no one sees,that walk at nite,
and walks around with endless might,
nothing stops this evil being thats sits inside anothers brain,
its walks around messing with us,
our fragile minds and warming touches,
our simple thoughts and deepest desires ,
destroyed by our simple words,
“no” and “ugly” help sum them up,
but worse are they to anothers love,
killing off what came from above,
“seek and destroy” the beast calls out,
talking about whats so thought out,
whats so deep down and all inside,
“the thing called love” the beast just cried,
“kill it all and whats inside,
take from that ones inner pride,
kill it all and make them hurt,
make them hurt.....”
till its all done and gone,
the beast has left you all alone,
now rebuild or fade away,
make yourself your own special way,
turn into a butterfly ,
change into whats not in disguise,
be yourself and be for you,
change for no one and be sure of you.
