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My Reasons

Well these are my slightly newer reasons for this webpage.

I guess the original purpose hasnt changed a whole lot. It was created out of dispair to maybe find something for myself. I did that a long time ago. Nowadays it more or less sits untouched, but hey, its still here.

Lately ive begun to find more things to write about than simply, sadness and whatnot. That stuffs still with me once in awhile, but ive gotten used to it. I try to write about whats happening to me, what i see, and what may happen.

Now althought this page originally displayed a pretty detailed account of what caused me to make this, i decided to take it down, because now, its just a sad reminder of the past, and i dont need the page to remind me of it. Although theres alot of regret, and alot that i wish hadnt happend, theres not a whole lot i can do so i figured, that page was not much use. however, if u feel really compelled to read it its Old Views

So to anyone out there who knows me, maybe this makes a little more sense than to strangers, but oh well.

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