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Each wave avalanched down itself, the white of the breaking water gleamed in the low, afternoon light. the pebbles of the shore , covered in tiny droplets of water, reflected the sun. Each pebble was different, unique, created over time, either from a greater whole or from the shards of others.. smoothed by experience and scarred with imperfections. The beach spread for miles, each section covered in pebbles just as this one was. Unique. There’s a million stones, over looked and trodden on. Each one different, showing the tests of time. Find yourself. And how insignificant you are compared to the greater scale of things. Do they know? are these pieces of rock aware that their concerns are trivial? That their loves are but meaningless? of course not, just as we’re not. Our loves are all-consuming, encompassing everything.. spreading from now until always. They live their lives over the course of years, traveling with the tide, seeing a million different memories each day. Do the children who throw them into the sea realize their throwing themselves? A quick splash then they’re gone, on to their next destination, to make the next child happy for a brief second. The memory of the moment lives on, each splash brings the child a smile that will last forever.