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goodbyes aren't forever

She knew he looked at her, she could feel his eyes on her face.. on her cheeks.. she dipped her head slightly, letting her hair shield her. He shuffled awkwardly, he didn’t mean to make her uncomfortable. He felt a heat run down his face. Not now. Not here.

She adjusted the strap that ran over her shoulder.. she pulled it up as the weight of the large bag tilted her small frame to one side. another large suitcase stood upright at her side. She squatted slightly, and fidgeted with attached the name tag nervously..

He saw the fear in her eyes .

This was difficult. For the first time in their friendship they didn’t know what to say.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to hold those for you?”

Their eyes touched. A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth, she hated this. They had been so close for so long, why did it feel so hard now?

The loud horn of the Ship sounded, startling her slightly. A smile rose in his eyes, he loved watching her. His eyes dulled, and the smile floated away like a leaf in autumn. He thought about the future, a few minutes more.

A tear formed. The wind blew it away with his love.

She looked over her shoulder, the ship was huge, bigger than any she’d ever seen. Unsinkable they say. People rushed passed them on either side... to the other passengers, time appeared to stand still for them, but in reality it was doing anything but.
The clock ticks life away.

The wind picked up.. tugging at their clothes… she still faced away from him.. his eyes fell over her.
Her hair. Her legs, her hands. His hands clenched, as they fought the tears. She turned, smiling. He sniffed and smiled back.

“Last call. The new world. All aboard.” Sounded the boarding officer.

“I guess I had better get going” she said.. it struck her as she said it. No more lying to herself. This was it. She wrapped her fingers gently around the handle on her suitcase, as she was about to lift it he moved forward..


she looked.. thankful he spoke.

“I’m going to miss you.” His eyes grew grey and sullen.. he could feel the hurt inside him.
She looked at him, trying to smile, but she couldn’t. “I know” she said softly, barely loud enough for him to hear… she didn’t want herself to hear it.
He took her hand in his.

“I don’t want you to go. I’ll always be yours”

She looked into his eyes, deeper than she ever had before. Something about her look made him feel like this wouldn’t be for ever.. her stare gave him hope.

“I wont be able to live without you”.. his words slipped into the wind

“you’ll always be in my heart” she rubbed his hand on her cheek, and kissed his palm.

“goodbyes aren’t for ever” her words didn’t convince him, despite how much he wanted to believe.

-“I love you”
-“I know”

he lost a part of himself as she turned away that final time..
his hands dropped to his sides. Lifeless. He was empty. Still in sight yet gone already.