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A little about ShoalsWoman:
I have been involved with ShoalsWoman since its inception in 2002 and eventual publication in 2003. ShoalsWoman was one of the first successful (profitable) magazines in the New York Times regional newspaper group. The magazine has grown substantially over the years and made the leap from being a 32-page advertorial product to being a 72-page editorial product. When ShoalsWoman began in the marketing department, I was the publication's coordinator. After it became a news product, I was named editor. As ShoalsWoman editor, I developed story budgets, managed freelancers, scheduled and attended photo assignments, in addition to choosing all art, color schemes and designing each editorial page. My design concept for ShoalsWoman has always been centered around color. I use classic, rich colors because ShoalsWoman's readership is mostly women 35 and older.

2006 issues

September/October 2006, entire issue
September/October cover

September/October favorite page
September/October favorite page

July/August 2006, entire issue
July/August favorite page

May/June 2006, entire issue
May/June cover
May/June favorite page
May/June favorite page

May/June favorite page

March/April 2006, entire issue
March/April cover
March/April favorite page

January/February 2006, entire issue
January/February favorite page
January/February favorite page

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