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Read This Page Please!

Please send me your name (and nickname), e-mail addy, country, city, and your state/province, etc.
Set it up like so:

Email Address:

PLEASE, when you're telling me the state you live in, only give me the 2 letter abbreviation. I am Canadian and therefore not familiar with all the state names. I will no longer be adding those who ignore this request.

If you sent your information to me before Thursday May 4th, and i have not yet added it, send it to me again. I experienced some e-mail problems in March and April.

If you're planning to e-mail a member of this site, please sign yourself up.

By sending me your e-mail address and your other info, you are agreeing that you are a Pumpkins FANATIC. Also, you are agreeing that you will be friendly to anyone who finds your e-mail address on this site.

Find-a-Pumpkinhead's #1 Rule: Respect your fellow Pumpkinheads.
(Y'know . . . as long as they respect you as well . . .)

As this site relies on having many members, please tell all your Pumpkin friends about Find-a-Pumpkinhead. :)

If i have copied down any of your info incorrectly, or if you wish to have your info removed from this website, please e-mail

Please know that 'Find-a-Pumpkinhead' does NOT suggest meeting anyone you meet on the Internet IRL. This is simply so that you know you're not alone in Pumpkinland. :)

Thankyou for reading. On with the search for Pumpkinheads!
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P.S. Special Thanks to:
Julie (Yelena Kicks Ass!),
Cristin McKee (Twilight to Starlight),
Steven and David Pukin (Landslide),
Luciana Dias ("Radio, play my favorite song" - The Smashing Pumpkins Movimento),