They're the kind of guys where you don't want to tell them they've spelled "biscuit" wrong. But they have! But you worry, y'know? (They probably did it on purpose, lovable scamps they).
They're aggressive. They play loud, they play with attitude, they play like the Red Hot Chili Peppers before those guys found their sensitive side. Which isn't to say the Bizkit boys are insensitive. No, sir. I'm sure they're concerned citizens, even if they do name a song "Break Stuff." I'm sure they're kidding. They're great kidders, doncha think? They're obviously into--get this--ambivalence. One cut is called "Nookie," another "No Sex." They know how to have it both ways. Not that I mean they go both ways, I mean, they see things from all sides. You could say they're omnipotent. Which doesn't mean I'm saying they're impotent, which I'm sure they're not! No, they rock. Is that clear enuff?