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Out Of Focus Ideology - V2000

And so the sun rose on a day, which will remain legendary for the rest of my life! I woke up typically early (coz you always do at festivals whether you like it or not) to a little surprise: Sam was sleeping the opposite way round to which he had been the previous night. This was when I learned about my apparent lengthy mumblings the previous night which had pissed him off so much he'd turned around to try and get away from my whining: quite justified revenge I believe after the previous nights appalling lightweight behaviour! Now I really was in some pain from the sunburn and my legs were getting worse all the time but there was only one thing on my mind - The Flaming Lips! Having been turned onto their music just months back I'd already got my hands on The Soft Bulletin and Transmissions From The Satellite Heart and was pretty well versed with them. My mate Tom (who's a musical God it must be said) had been speaking in delirious tones about the wonders of their live show after he'd seen them in late 1999. Well I trusted him on this and already had a very good feeling about them from the short time I'd listened to the records. But this all came later...

First order of the day for me though was to figure out just what the hell had happened the previous night. Perhaps just to entertain me, Nick and Sam accompanied me and, amazingly, I did find the same beer lorry and confirmed that the token sign did exist and it wasn't just my imagination! It was nice to be proved right and I still say that such a complex token system can only confuse already drunken people in the dead of night! We'd arranged to hook up with mates Slos and Ryan who, let's face it, were not the hardcore insane behaviour types I wanted to be around whilst on such a festival high! I remember having fish and chips (food at last!) as we sat around waiting for them to show up. And so they did, Slos breaking his 100% record of not showing up to anything we arrange with him! We entered the arena and sat down a comfortable distance from the main stage hoping to absorb some festival vibes. I FINALLY managed to buy a T-shirt, after somehow managing to get around the entire festival so far without having seen ONE SINGLE T-SHIRT VENDOR! Astonishing wasn't even the word as everyone else had V2000 T-shirts and I couldn't even find a salesman, legitimate or otherwise!!

The Bootleg Beatles

First act of the day (since long-forgotten one-hit-wonder Andreas Johnson had pulled out) were The Bootleg Beatles. I really wasn't paying much attention to them since they just seemed very fat (from a distance that is - their photo seems to disprove it) and nothing like The Beatles at all. I don't recall recognising any song they played except Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, although that might reflect how little I was paying attention to them. In either a cruel snub or (as claimed later) a joke to take the piss out of me everyone was ignoring me no matter what I said. My head was hurting very badly due to the borderline sunstroke and I think it must have frazzled my brain totally as I felt pretty spaced out. There I was pondering aloud just what had gone wrong and where the good vibrations had gone and getting pretty upset about it too. But we played the legendary word game again which may had been what picked things up a little!


My mojo on the up again, I persuaded everyone to come along to the JJB Arena and check out Manchild because they'd recently made a single with Kelly Jones and I though seeing if he'd show up and play it with them was just about the best thing going. And... I thought they made quite an impressive noise! But everyone else was standing there totally uninspired not even trying to dance so I couldn't either (didn't want to make a fool of myself, did I?). We stuck around and then they played the Kelly Jones song but he hadn't bothered to turn up and it was just played to a pre-recording vocal tape of him. But they still weren't bad though... I think we may had popped back to our tent for a small break as I got myself mentally prepared to survive the band marathon I was planning. We then headed out for the second stage and on the way I decided it was time to start drinking! This time I'd fully sussed out the token system and decided to save myself some time by getting two (very flimsy) Carling paper cups (fortunately filled with alcohol!) at once.


So we (all five of us) sat down at a particularly nice spot near the second stage and Hefner were next up. They declared that they were going to play their chilled-out mid afternoon festival set and rock they didn't do! But they are Hefner and I don't think they could rock even if they wanted to. Very little attention was focused on the stage though as I was very happily supping my two beers and taking in the (much improved) festival vibes. Everyone else chose to lie down but I was too busy drinking to join them. And then something "horrible" happened! I think I may have been teasing him and trying to piss him off in some way but Sam went and bloody kicked one of the drinks out of my hand all over me! It had cost a fortune too and I hate to see any drink (even Carling) go to waste. And all over me too! I think it may have been intentional... Around this point I really started the charm offensive by trying to persuade everyone to see The Flaming Lips but, in a quite unbelievable show of short sightedness, the task of luring them away from the mediocrity offered by The Bloodhound Gang and Mansun (where are they both now anyway?) to enjoy what I promised would be something incredible proved to be an impossible challenge. I was quite obsessed at this time with Pilot Can At The Queer Of God so was singing to myself "she's got helicopters" quite a lot as the expectation built up in my mind.


At some point where I was too busy drinking to notice, Hefner had finished and Soulwax took to the stage. I was too far away to see the coolness of their suits and have no memory of their music (although I don't remember it being that loud). Very strange too considering just how rocking and downright good a live act Soulwax can be: I either really wasn't listening or it was a bad day for them! Things had livened up now (and I had got another two drinks) and, one spillage not being enough, all my mates’ attentions turned to the objective of putting a wrapped up piece of kitchen foil into my drink by any means necessary! It was funny I suppose and I deftly managed to avoid letting my guard down until after a long struggle when it was plunged into the lager anyway - d'oh!

I thought that my preaching had got through and that I'd persuaded Slos to join me to experience The Flaming Lips, repeatedly reminding him that the "being drunk on their plan, they lifted up the sun" line would be the highlight of their set and would signal the greatest bass chorus ever created in the history of the world and it would be the time to go MENTAL! So, after finishing off my drinks (well, except for the one that ended up all over my trousers) I got up and immediately urged everyone to rise and join in my adventure. But the poor ignorant FOOLS (!) just smiled at me and waved goodbye, probably very pleased to have finally got rid of me. To my astonishment, Slos also waved goodbye after promising to come with me! So I was slightly miffed not only by their ignorance of what they'd be missing but the fact that they let a clearly drunk friend go wandering off by himself at a music festival for the rest of the night (the time believe it or not was around 3pm and my epic, glorious journey would last a good EIGHT HOURS!).

But off I went anyway, utterly confident in who'd made the right decision. I got myself a little food and paid a rare visit to the lavvy to prepare for my marathon then it was into the JJB arena! MJ Cole was seconds away from finishing his set when I arrived so I was well chuffed (and amazed) to just stroll in and walk straight to the front of the crowd - my place was reserved! Yeah, The Lips weren't on for another six hours but two more acts had caught my eye - Bentley Rhythm Ace who had recently released the AWESOME Theme From Gutbuster which looked astonishing on the Glasto highlights. There was also Moloko who I really wasn't at all bothered about but they were sandwiched in the middle and my mate Tom had convinced me that they weren't the dire pop band you'd imagine (and I guess I believed him again the clever devil).

Bentley Rhythm Ace

So Bentley Rhythm Ace were on! I could pretend to give an objective account of their merits but I won't. I have absolutely no idea what they did but all I know is that it RULED MORE THAN ANYTHING I'D EVER HEARD! They opened things off with Theme From Gutbuster, as hoped for, and I just closed my eyes (barely opening them again during their entire set) and danced and danced like I never had in my life, with absolutely no regard whatsoever for whether anyone else was (I think they were though). In fact, I was so into Theme From Gutbuster and still drunken enough that I CAN'T REMEMBER what they played. At the time I thought they may just had played Gutbuster for a whole hour but I was just so into it that they could had been playing anything and I was just imagining it was Gutbuster coz that's what I wanted it to be! It was absolutely incredible and it was better I was by myself in most ways - being with arms-folded sceptics would just had ruined my fun and made me self-conscious.

I think by the end of BRA that the alcohol had pretty much worn off and I was now high largely on genuine excitement at what was to come. So just how excited was I? In perhaps the most unbelievable incident of this festival, I so firmly believed in what I was doing and so content at being where I was that the two girls I'd been dancing with during Bentley tried to drag me off to go with them and I gave them a big no - despite trying to persuade them to stick around for The Lips which didn't work. But hell: what a moment! I said no because I so firmly believed that The Flaming Lips had far more to offer which is just incredible. Looking back now, the magnitude of this incident having finally hit me, I made the right decision but for the wrong reasons. No doubt they'd had noticed my inability to walk once I went with them and quietly had disposed of me. But hell - at least it suggested my dancing was actually quite good and not just humiliating - more than astonishing considering my leg injuries that I could dance in such an impressive way without falling flat on my face!

So with my thoughts focused on Moloko I spent the break catching my breath again, receiving a big cup of water from the bouncer (who'd already decided I was the person most likely to pass out, which may have been true). Some photographer also took an interest in how much happier I seemed than everyone else, taking a picture which was put online under the title 'The V2000 Man' but has now been deleted and lost forever (very, very sad). I looked very happy but very red faced! I chased the website twice for a copy of the picture but the bastards just ignored me!


Perhaps they were just in the right place at the right time with the right vibe. But, thanks to the experience they gave me on this night, I've got a big soft spot for Moloko which should last for the rest of my life! They came onstage to Pure Pleasure Seeker and I just really got into it (despite never having heard it before) and at the end of the tune we just applauded and applauded so much the band had to wait almost forever before they could start the next song. Everyone else seemed to love them too! It was like what pop music claims to be like but so often isn't - totally happy but also ace music you can dance to! They managed to totally capture my mood with The Time Is Now and the "let's make this moment... last" line. Sing It Back lasted basically forever but it still wasn't long enough. Moloko had pulled off an (totally unexpected) awesome performance beyond anything I ever imagined they could! I'd came here for The Lips and already was very satisfied and extremely exhausted. But I still found that "little" bit of extra energy!

The Flaming Lips!!

So now I reach the moment I'd been waiting for and it truly was something where I can't possibly exaggerate just how incredible it was. GREATEST MOMENT IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD seems a bold assertion but I say it without feeling silly at all. Because it may have been true! The legendary Wayne (wearing his then-trademark yellow Mac) was, as he normally does, setting up all his glorious gadgets himself. Out came the video screen - the band themselves played in a space of several square metres and the images were all I could see since they were so massive!! They also had no drummer - all drums were pre-recorded I believe. Then out came the gong - the moment was drawing near!! Wayne then announced that everything was set up but the band needed to perform a soundcheck just to check everything was working OK. Fair enough I thought. The lights dimmed and onscreen came a guy in a hard hat. He (and Wayne) pointed to the left...


then they pointed to the right...


I can't describe it. Perhaps it was the super-deep computerised voice that declared the speaker out of which the announcement was coming from. Perhaps the lighting. Perhaps the fact it was done for a minute or two (just to make sure left and right were working correctly). Perhaps it was the guy in the hard hat. Or perhaps it's simply the fact it remains by far and away the funniest and most unexpected thing I'd ever seen in my life and you really had to be deeply cynical to see it and not be astonished. With the sound system most definitely working, The Flaming Lips quietly did the count-in before launching into a delirious version of Race For The Prize. Wayne absolutely hammered his gong to infinity and beyond. He somehow managed to sing the words too. I was so excited I found myself screaming the bass line between the verses!! It was so intense and so glorious I just couldn't believe it and I never wanted it to end. Things continued with The Gash - a tale of never giving up and going on despite having a big gash in your leg. JESUS - it was like he was singing about me! The gong continued being hit and the intensity continued! The video was randomly featuring people jumping up and down in slow motion.

Before death from sheer joy, things were massively slowed down for The Spark That Bled, featuring fake blood on Wayne's head as he imagined himself being shot with the softest bullet ever. The yellow Mac served a practical purpose you see. The camera in the mic came into effect as we had a blood-covered Wayne on the video screen who looked as big as his music. The moment I'd already picked out as the probable highlight then arrived with A Spoonful Weighs A Ton. Wayne pointed and waved at the screen as up came the Teletubbies sun in time to the intro. I couldn't believe it - this was just too perfect! The bass rocked (although perhaps not quite as much as I'd hoped it would) but it was the images that stuck with me and I now can't think of that song without seeing Teletubbies running around and crashing into each other in time to the music! Then out came the loudspeaker, sirens, and strobe light vest (so unbelievable at the time I thought I'd imagined it) as we were treated to the impossibly mighty Lightning Strikes The Postman (which at the time I'd never heard). It was unbelievable! Then it could have been The Observer which was perhaps the most atmospheric thing ever as a theremin was dusted down to provide strange sound effects.

Next up was Feeling Yourself Disintegrate which was the most disturbing song of the lot - video screen featuring close-up shots of surgery and people being shot and all sorts of bizarre images but it was Wayne I was looking at and there he was dueting with a glove puppet who mouthed the chorus! Waiting For A Superman was awesome of course. It always is. She Don't Use Jelly (the one hit wonder apparently) was then performed with such astonishing energy that I really started to approach burnout. There was Wayne showering us with seemingly infinite supplies of confetti and bags full of balloons. I was in heaven and, in the only way I could think of at the time, decided to immortalise the moment by gathering as many balloons as I could! Bass was pumped up again for Slow Nerve Action, which was very long and very intense, and it struck me just what a tune it was. I think the set ended with their cover of Over The Rainbow, featuring Judy Garland on a loop moving forwards and backwards. It was a fitting climax to something so awesome I just couldn't believe it had happened.

I had thought of staying for Underworld in the hope they could keep excitement up but needed to visit the lavatory so urgently I took the cue to leave with my balloons in tow! Someone jokingly decided to pop one and received a death stare from me - that's just not funny! I left the JJB Arena (a tent I'll always have very fond memories of) to discover it was raining pretty heavily. I was pretty lost and just didn't know what to do at all - what the hell could I do? All my desire for excitement had been met and the only way was downwards. I staggered my way past a food stall where a girl who worked there said that she knew how I felt because she'd been there. Immediately I took that the wrong way and thought she meant she'd seen The Flaming Lips too so I gave a few hysterical sentences about balloons and Wayne which immediately ended the conversation!

I figured out later that she assumed I was enormously out of it and my balloon rant probably didn't change her opinion. People just didn't seem to understand that it was possible to be so happy just from having seen a band (and the fact my legs were barely working no doubt added to the whacked-out perception of me). That's the awesome thing - by the time The Lips came on I was sober (I hadn't drunk for six hours!) and the glorious experience was down to pure joy and not alcohol. I wanted to find someone else who understood but couldn't. Even now, the only people I've met who were there were arms-folded sceptics and of course you wouldn't love it with such a negative attitude! You needed to believe in The Lips and then they'd do the rest of the work.


I decided to wander over towards the main stage since I didn't feel quite like ending my night just then. Travis were on and they were OK. I stayed around for a while and saw a good proportion of their set and they did loads of nice songs (very similar to their Wolverhampton 1999 gig) but so what? It was a massive comedown and there was just nothing I wanted to do. The intensity of the cold and the rain was getting too much (I think I was only wearing a T-shirt) and I thought I'd just bug out and call it even since anything going on would just be a massive anti-climax and the weather was nasty anyway. So it was goodbye to the prospect of seeing Supergrass and back towards the tent when Travis launched into a particularly average cover version. Err... apparently around this point I've been asked to tell y'all that Slos was dancing in the rain to Travis... ANYWAY, I was incredibly tired and it really was a physical challenge to walk by this time. So much in fact that I decided to take a shortcut so I wouldn't have to walk so far and ended up completely lost and even more confused!


I found my way to a camp site and asked the steward where the fuck my tent was, hoping perhaps that he'd be able to just lead me there. Having me marked down as an incredibly drunk (false) and lost (true) person he just pointed towards another camp site, no doubt baffled by why I had five or six balloons cradled about my person. At least he let me on my way though, although that might have been a bad thing? Somehow though I did find my tent and, very desperate to get in, I just lifted it up and crawled inside, carefully putting the balloons in my bag for safekeeping. They were my number one priority now, them and the confetti showered in my hair were the only concrete evidence I had for what I'd just experienced... Although how I planned to get several balloons home from a music festival and keep them for the rest of my life was a challenge I'd yet to grasp the difficulty of doing! Before lying down and trying to get to sleep, I decided to further safeguard my balloons by going outside the tent again and, since it was the only thing handy, took a piece of tissue paper and wrote on it in biro - "WARNING! DO NOT POP BALLOONS!" I then tried to use chewing gum to stick this very important message to the front of the tent but it failed (I guess I can see why now, especially considering the rain) so I just sat around, trying to stay awake so I could deliver my warning not to pop the balloons.

After God knows how long, Nick and Sam returned from their infinitely less memorable day (I mean, they're not still talking about it many years on like me are they??) to surprise that I was in the tent, asking me why I wasn't out seeing Supergrass. A very silly question I thought, and totally redundant if they'd had known just what a time I'd had! I did try to explain just how astonishing what I'd seen was but was just met with predictable scepticism. How frustrating it was to not have another person there who could back me up and tell them just what they'd missed, and to share the experience with them, even by just a knowing glance, as I was too tired to be bogged down into an argument about just what the fools had missed. And I was too excited to try and articulate what I'd witnessed. This perhaps this was the point where the night had reached its natural conclusion and I was still very gashed, very tired and very sunburnt and just wanted to go to sleep. Nick and Sam also seemed quite tired I thought and I'm fairly sure I did remind them repeatedly to leave my goddam balloons alone! But I had to endure a very dull bit of chitchat about all the unspectacular and shallow things that The Bloodhound Gang had done. Loud shouting was going on outside and somehow Sam got drawn into it by responding to the heckles. By some bizarre turn, this eventually turned into the singing of Bloodhound Gang lyrics which apparently went down so well we were eventually invited to come outside the tent to meet the people we (not me - I'd practically lost my voice from screaming so much during Race For The Prize) were heckling. The heckle itself had also turned into anti-me propaganda as I wasn't joining in and they were taking the piss for it.

The invitation to go out went mainly to Nick and Sam but I was asked, sighed, and said why not. I mean... WHAT'S THE WORST THING THAT COULD HAPPEN?! Also, after spending the whole weekend trying to get very sleepy people to rock, I felt I needed to set an example by coming out myself and showing everyone how it's done. Err... and that's what I did! After sitting around for a little while with these foolish Bloodhound Gang obsessives who had no idea what they'd missed, I quickly determined that no-one else had seen The Lips and the closest I got was someone who'd witnessed (and enjoyed) Moloko. What could I possibly say or do? What was the point even trying to talk to these people when there was only one thing on my mind and all I got was scepticism and disbelief? And also I'd lost my voice so couldn't had spoke even if I had a chance!


I do remember at some point that had to be Sunday night I went off again towards the arena and bought some more Carling. I think this was just after I'd been dragged out of my tent and I felt myself desiring alcohol again and was too polite at this point to scrounge (maybe) so it was another solo wander into the unknown. It was a new lorry I'd never spotted and I had the exact change in my hand and was happily prepared to hand it over in return for my violently overpriced £2.50 Carling. But my heart sank! The guy at the store said it only cost £2, and they'd been charging that price all weekend. They also were allowing us to drink out of the can rather than a nasty paper cup! And there I'd been paying extra - I was just taken aback! Ummm... Yeah. So it was back to by the tent and the non-conversation where I found myself sitting down with Nick on one side and a stranger on the other. I have no memory of drinking this Carling but I must have done since I bought it. But what I do remember is that a two-litre bottle was produced and this contained (*shudders*) vodka with lemonade. I was told afterwards that it was fairly weak and can't really dispute it. But, hell, nothing's weak if you drink it in large enough quantities!

So this bottle of pure and concentrated evil was being passed round in a circle and everyone who wanted some took a glug. It was Nick however who decided he wasn't thirsty anymore and, rather than passing it round the circle (perhaps there was a gap in it and he couldn't be bothered to pass it on, I wasn't wearing my glasses so couldn't see much anyway), the direction was reversed and I found myself with the bottle again! "Nice!" was my reaction at the time, since drinking was just about the only thing I was up for. And so this went on until the bottle emptied, no-one noticing I was the one who'd drunk the vast majority of it (possibly as much as everyone else combined - I just don't know!). Perhaps the reason this had happened was because we were all (except Nick) sniffing some stuff I believe they call Poppers which I thought was having little effect but maybe it did. So many contributing factors I've covered it's impossible to say! It could all have ended there but some guy produced another bottle - this time cider! The opening of the cider and my first few glugs were just about the last thing I remember as I then experienced a near total black-out!


Ummm... Yeah... Err... Apparently around this point I'd now retreated into my own little world and was sitting down, waving my hands about, saying how much SFA rock and singing songs like Northern Lites, and reciting SFA setlists and all sorts of strange things I have no memory of, in some astonishing trance. And then, I "may" had keeled over backwards and didn't get up again for a while. I imagine it was a classic moment, akin to Del Boy falling through the bar in Only Fools And Horses, and it was also pretty unexpected too for everyone there. But no-one else can remember this now although I'm sure I was told it happened! So I can't confirm passing out but who knows? I could have been tripping?? After noticing I was in a pretty intense alcohol trance and was practically unresponsive to everything, and after extensive prodding and pulse checking, my (ahem) friends deduced that I was dead and the thought probably turned onto disposing of the body. Or that's what I thought but in reality I think it was all a joke to see how out of it I was. I may have had very cold water tipped over me which I think led to the first definitive signs that in fact I hadn't expired. I could actually had regained memory around this point (very briefly) as I do remember lying down, looking up, being outside and seeing people who seemed surprised to see me looking back at them.

Further possible incidents include being slapped about the face some times over by some guy I'd never met (pleased to meet you too!) which perhaps wasn't the "thoughtful gesture" it could had been. Also I've received reports that I had some whisky poured down my throat in an attempt to get me out of it. Then I guess I fell asleep from regular exhaustion (as opposed to clinical death exhaustion) and was dragged into a tent belonging to two guys where I was left for a while before I finally regained consciousness (or was forcibly woke up to get me out of there - who knows anymore?). I was now back into the land of the living although couldn't stand up. One or two guys (Nick and Sam had decided to go to sleep rather than keep watch over my deathbed) were helping me out and seemed pretty worried that I wouldn't make it through the night anyway. An attempt to get me to stand up failed miserably so I just crawled the small distance back to the tent, opened up the zip and crawled into the porch. I was now at the mercy of Sam The Evil Gatekeeper and whether or not he'd let me in.

With total disregard for the unbearably freezing temperatures outside, Sam's main concern was that I didn't "decorate" the tent and he wasn't going to let me in without a fight. Or perhaps he was taking the piss. First thing I was asked was the time. I glanced at my watch for what seemed like forever, turning the back-light on but the fact is I just couldn't see it so that's what I said. Probably didn't help my case much... I think in the end it was near hysterical pleading and the realisation he'd never get any sleep until I was let in (rather than the thought of stopping me freezing to death?) which got me back into the tent, but only if I promised that I'd sleep the other way round. So I was let into the tent and, as far as I'm aware, just passed out immediately into a particularly deep sleep.


I woke up the next day not so much hung-over as practically paralysed at first. I think it was surprisingly early considering (but how can anyone sleep at music festivals anyway?). First thought was finding my shoes that seemed to have been mislaid the previous night. I found them in separate tents an absurdly long distance from where I'd been. I don't know what's more incredible - that I'd lost them like that or that I found them! I also realised the catastrophic fact that my "mates" had took my state as their cue to burst every single one of my balloons. But I was too tired to take it in and thoughts were focused on returning home. The guy informing me of how out of it I'd been last night was only stating what I already knew! The tent was packed away hurriedly and Nick and Sam had clearly had more than enough and were really rushing me on, very keen to get away, not doing a standard check of around the tent for things we'd dropped. Now who was behaving irrationally? They just about resisted skanking me and we found our way to the shuttle bus, where the driver just about managed to avoid laughing out loud at just how sunburnt and generally out of it I looked.

All thoughts were now on getting home but I had to endure the hanging around Stafford for a bit, which was just unreal - adapting to a town after a festival is just the freakiest thing ever! Perhaps this is a reason why Stafford now makes me feel ill! I managed to cough up the blockage in my throat that had been bugging me all morning then it was off on the bus back home. Nothing else interesting happened I think, just many hours in the bathroom trying to clean up, listening to The Flaming Lips and being attended to over my horrific sunburn (how was I supposed to know the cream didn't work?!). It took a full day of lying down and total inactivity before I even though of getting my stuff unpacked, but this was one music festival that I wouldn't forget. Even though that's probably an understatement in this case!

The only surviving pic of me (left) at V2000 with Nick on the Friday


So there you go. You can go on all you like about hardcore things to do but to actually be so much out of it when surrounded by relatively sober people and managing to wake up the next day in a quasi-normal state takes some beating! V2000 still pretty much dictates everything I do now - musical loves (The Lips), hates (Toploader), drinking habits (I always take a step away from cider drinkers now), general attitude to going out (trying to create a little bit of the V2000 good feeling each time I go anywhere) and totally weak legs which won't carry me through anything more intense than walking for long! It's also a relief to know that, despite my totally inconsiderate attitude due to the intensity of my desire to rock, no-one was hurt (except me) and that my astonishing behaviour is the one thing no-one who was there could forget. I mean Sam invited me out again just two days later on the Wednesday after I'd thought for a while I might had pissed him off for life. Which was a relief. Although, as everyone else had been astonishingly negative and cynical throughout the event, I think they should take more blame than me. I'd blame The Bloodhound Gang since, if it weren't for their temporary popularity none of it would had happened. But it was probably worth it just so I can say I'd been there (I've been there since I think but never as intensely and so publicly). Also still can't quite believe the buggers popped my balloons - that really was just cruel...

People may look at the line-up for V2000 and may laugh but I say it was PERFECT - just enough to keep me amazed but also leaving plenty of room for rocking in other ways. If the game here was having fun then I damn well won it and this was one time everyone accepts it! So why was it so ace? I guess I was totally up for it, was searching continuously for things to happen, things went against me, but I fought on until actually achieving every bit of excitement I was looking for through a few bands (thank God The Lips were there!). Then it was a big comedown, which perhaps wasn't good for me but certainly entertained everyone else. And it was funny. And I survived! Well I don't want another V2000, partly because I wouldn't live through it. It's now reached legendary status and, because I never got round to writing about it for so long, events have become debatable. Like The Bible in some ways perhaps - no-one's quite sure what happened or can prove it. And there was a resurrection in it as well! Now you guys can go off and write about your own V2000 and use it to inspire yourself to rock at any time but also to realise what happens if you rock too hard...

SONG OF THE DAY: The Flaming Lips - Soundcheck

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