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Out Of Focus Ideology - Gig Number Eighty-One


British Sea Power

British Sea Power
The Pipettes
British Sea Power (Acoustic Set)
Manchester Ritz
20th November 2005
Who with
Jon, Alex, Craig
Towards the back
My final gig as a resident of Manchester was another last minute affair. I had seen British Sea Power supporting The Flaming Lips and, as interesting as they were, I felt they would be doomed to obscurity so was surprised to find they'd managed to attract a devoted fan base. I did not know any songs so alternate preparation was undertook in a pub, with shots of Jägermeister nicely alternated with Guinness and a bit of hanging around. The vibe here was almost totally ruined by the playing of the official Worst Song Ever (which everyone should know as Dancing In The Moonlight by Toploader), but I discovered that if I put my fingers in my ears with enough force I am able to block out the entire number! We got to the venue somewhat later than expected, a rush being impressed on us by the need to buy tickets on the door. The bouncers rather helpfully pointed out the touts and advised us it was "cheaper from them" and I got my ticket for less than the sale price, which was an interesting reward for my lack of effort!

I have noted that I lost my money, which is something in this write-up I no longer have any memory of, but I do recall scrounging money to buy the pitiful choice of beers on sale in the venue. I had been to The Ritz once before on a weekend and remember the night for a reasonably high quality of music, a nice old-fashioned if somewhat shabby venue and, most memorably, an insane toilet attendant! I was thrilled to find him still down in the basement lavvies, and also that everyone else seemed to regard him as a legend. We hung round the back of the venue towards the left of the soundboard throughout the show, and I enjoyed the relative warmth of the place compared to my house and its broken-down heating. Although I had been worried about tickets selling out on the door and had felt I was late in, we were still in time for the first support act, who were a fairly quiet band who I commented were "not bad". It took some time for me to realise that I was watching British Sea Power supporting themselves with a selection of quiet b-sides. What a great idea! I didn't know any of the songs but it passed the time better than most.

The main support were The Pipettes who were a girl band who reminded me of Daphne And Celeste, although had far more indie credibility. Their set was chirpy but by now the effects of the alcohol were sinking in, and this night was far more about chatting and hanging around than listening to the music! British Sea Power took to the stage and played a strong headline set, provoking a positive reaction from the crowd and even a bit of moshing. I still didn't know any songs so details almost completely elude me. I believe the stage was set up like a nature reserve, that the band dressed like bird spotters and that the show reached a glorious climax, similar to what had transpired the last time. I have since downloaded a few songs and Remember Me stands out as a top drawer indie tune. This was an enjoyable if somewhat blurred night out, making 2005 my most productive gigging year yet, with a stonking eighteen shows!

Mark: 7.0/10

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