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Out Of Focus Ideology - Gig Number Three



Big Leaves
Wolverhampton Civic Hall
11th March 1999
Who with
Nick, Sam, Ali, Taf, 40
At the front, towards the left
There's definitely a Welsh flavour developing here, as my third gig provided me with my third Welsh show! That's not all too, as Big Leaves opened up the show with an equally Welsh performance. They looked frighteningly young but basically seemed like an indifferent live act at the time, although Sly Alibi has since become one of my favourite songs, standing the test of time better than anything by Catatonia. It was the first time I'd ever been at the front for a gig and I discovered what a perfect vantage point it was when Catatonia opened with an explosive Storm The Palace. Maybe they should have released that tune (along with She's A Millionaire) as an E.P and split up whilst at the top? Sadly however they didn't, and we got loads more new songs, most of which seemed indifferent at the time and I never really got into Equally Cursed And Blessed that much once it came out anyway.

Mulder And Scully and I Am The Mob were obviously great, but the overrated Road Rage was naturally dispatched in the guise of set highlight. We also enjoyed the excellent b-side Jump Or Be Sane and Welsh anthem International Velvet, as well as Don't Need The Sunshine. Most of the rest of the set was just OK, with Cery's swigging from a bottle of wine throughout and even experimenting with a flute! Unfortunately though, most songs from their debut Way Beyond Blue were omitted (and the awful Johnny Come Lately was played for some reason) so this wasn't quite an ideal set, but Catatonia still were probably just about at their peak in a lot of ways, and they were certainly better than many of the other acts who've come and gone since!
Storm The Palace
I Am The Mob
Dead From The Waist Down
(a new song)
(a new song)
She's A Millionaire
Nothing Hurts
Why I Can't Stand One Night Stands
Mulder And Scully
Strange Glue
Game On
Road Rage
Jump Or Be Sane
You've Got A Lot To Answer For
Johnny Come Lately
International Velvet
Don't Need The Sunshine
n.b. This isn't strictly in the correct order and I'm only guessing the number of new songs

Mark: 7.5/10

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