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Out Of Focus Ideology - Gig Number Fifty-Four


Electric Six

Electric Six
Manchester Debating Hall
6th December 2003
Who with
PopEx people (sort of)
In the moshpit
This time a more relaxed attitude was adopted, as the bar was the chosen place and I therefore didn't see a single second of either support act. No problem though since it means I don't have to review them! But I then skanked the people I was with as, several minutes before the band were due onstage, I had no desire of standing at the back! I forced my way forwards to the centre of the moshpit just in time to see the roadies putting up the shiny Electric Six banner. Then it was a fifteen-minute wait before the band actually bothered to show themselves, at an appalling 10pm! It wasn't until near the end of the set that any songs were played that I really knew, but I still moshed myself silly, from the opener of Naked Pictures (Of Your Mother), to She's White, Nuclear War (On The Dance Floor) and whatever other tunes were played. The crowd were pretty good and it was a fairly violent mosh with a good bit of pushing and shoving, although I usually found myself in front of those people who seemed to think I should stop enjoying myself for the sake of their toes! There weren't even too many chants for Gay Bar, beer was flying everywhere, and the lead singer had a stage manner which was basically looking at us in a strange way and winking all the time!!

Things exploded when I heard the intro to Danger! High Voltage and it made me realise why I'd bothered to come here. The crowd wore themselves out leaving just me with the energy to try and keep the mosh going! Dance Commander was similarly impressive, making me wonder why no-one had bothered to buy it! Electric Six then left the stage as we all stamped both feet and hands incredibly loudly for Gay Bar - we'd been polite for long enough! The crowd were thanked in an interesting vocoder voice before we were treated to a stunning rendition of Radio Ga Ga!! We all quickly picked up the handclaps and it's hard to imagine Queen doing a much better job of playing it. I even tried moshing to it! And then came the moment everyone had paid for (let's face it) as Gay Bar was cranked up, and I don't believe that there was a single person there who wasn't moshing. Absolute anarchy and a moshpit to die for. Applause was milked during the pause in the middle and once again everyone had worn themselves out leaving only me and a few others to keep moshing into the second verse! Then they played another (final) song, but now we all had our eye on the door so left them to it. You just didn't experience 2003 properly unless you saw Gay Bar live!!

Mark: 7.5/10

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