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Out Of Focus Ideology - Gig Number Thirty-Three


Fools Gold? No - the genuine article!

Fools Gold
Manchester Hop And Grape
3rd November 2001
Who with
At the front, in the middle!
Tribute bands eh? Alongside other words such as support band and pop music, they strike fear into the hearts of many music lovers. So maybe seeing a support band followed by a tribute band seemed like a weird idea but, fortunately for me, some proper bands have tributes too! Tonic opened the night with a very cheerful pop performance. Maybe a poor man's Supernaturals but they were better than many I've seen, so no complaints. Fools Gold it must be said do not look like The Stone Roses. However, this was Manchester and none of the crowd seemed to care.

They opened with I Wanna Be Adored, closed with I Am The Resurrection, and got Fools Gold, She Bangs The Drums, Elephant Stone, Waterfall and Sally Cinnamon in there. They didn't forget for a second that a tribute band have a duty to play ALL of the bands best tunes! The crowd enjoyed it and indulged in lengthy pro-Manchester chants. Fools Gold certainly sounded reasonably like the genuine article instrument-wise although "Ian Brown" didn't sound much like Ian Brown! It's a natural step taken by all students to get into The Stone Roses and I was no different. Anyone who undermines the power of their immense (but brief) impact doesn't know what they're talking about. This night got me further interested in their songs and was, I suppose, all you could expect from a tribute. Not bad, but The Complete Stone Roses and The Clone Roses were both even better!

Mark: 7.0/10

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