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Out Of Focus Ideology - Gig Number Fourteen



San Lorenzo
Wolverhampton Wulfrun Hall
5th April 2000
Who with
Nick, Sam
At the front, in the middle!
Definitely a somewhat embarrassing gig, way below my usual standards! But I've always tried to be open-minded so couldn't resist an invitation, and am now in a far stronger position to point out that Idlewild are a distressingly mediocre indie band with few redeeming features and only one half-decent song! I haven't let myself get dragged along to many random shows since though, particularly since no-one pays any attention to my always-excellent recommendations, so where's my motivation to go to shows by bands who are clearly mediocre and predictable? And how do I know what they're like before seeing them you ask? Because they're predictable!

San Lorenzo opened the show with a reasonable slot most distinguished by a trumpet player before Brassy came onstage and surprisingly made the night worthwhile! They provided fun, crowd-pleasing tunes and charismatic members, which is something more support bands should try and offer. The song which went "B to the R to the A to the S to the S to the Y" is something of a classic now for me, and they also wrote Play Some D, which most people would know if they heard it. Idlewild just couldn't compete with this!

No, the main act definitely weren't bad, they were just completely bereft of anything remotely interesting. Little Discourage was a reasonable opener which I was surprised to recognise, but after that it was boring/drony indie tunes, which the little kids in the crowd seemed to think rocked very hard. I wouldn't had minded so much if the children hadn't been brainwashed into thinking that Idlewild rocked in any shape or form, and had just accepted this as a mid-tempo guitar set! This was deadly boring, saved entirely by a great showing from Brassy, and Idlewild's attempts to forge a more serious career since just leave me cold.

Mark: 6.5/10

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