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Out Of Focus Ideology - Gig Number Eleven


Lightning Seeds

Lightning Seeds
The Fixed Stars
Wolverhampton Civic Hall
15th December 1999
Who with
Nick, Sable, Tom
At the front, towards the right
It may had been a poor performance by their standards, but the Lightning Seeds will remain very much a weak link in my gigging career. Our position at the front was easily attained giving us the best view for the lead singer from The Fixed Stars running from one side of the bouncer area to the other, skidding around and trying not to fall over. This bizarre moment was the highlight of a decent guitar-led support act, making me wonder just why the band seemed to vanish without trace afterwards. Probably the best bit of the night!

Ian Broudie wasn't very well and this explains why the Seeds lacked the "bounce" you'd expect from them. The Life Of Riley was decimated by sound problems, and nothing of much interest happened until Sugar Coated Iceberg finally gave us something to really enjoy! I think they played Marvellous too which was OK once it got going. It's strange to think that I now quite like the Lightning Seeds, and have started to appreciate the pop simplicity of their tunes, but that didn't come about until many years after.

When I left I remarked that it felt like I hadn't been to a gig at all. Yes, they probably could had done better without illness and sound problems, but the Lightning Seeds were at the time to me a fairly mediocre act, making it harder on themselves by refusing to play their biggest hit Three Lions only a year after its previous release! Our mate Sable even starting screaming the song at the band, which was a bit of an embarrassing thing to do but it also rammed home the point that it was what we wanted to hear! So it was a case of could had done better, making me glad I'd got Travis the following night.

Mark: 7.0/10

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