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Out Of Focus Ideology - Gig Number Thirty-Two


Shed Seven

Shed Seven
The 45s
Manchester Academy
13th October 2001
Who with
At the front, in the middle!
It seems hard to believe, as this sure didn't feel like the fourth time I'd seen the Sheds, making them my then second most seen band ever. Two of those viewings were festival performances though, which makes this astonishing tally more about how many shows they play than my intense love for them! Anyway, this night started off in the worst possible fashion with a shockingly bad support band. They played the dullest one-chord set imaginable, clearly designed for a moshpit, but being so bad they were given no reception at all. It would had been even sadder if I'd known at this time that their bass player was once in Inspiral Carpets, a respectable band that I've since discovered. He repeatedly jeered at the audience, easily winning Biggest Wanker On Earth awards with his humiliating behaviour. In his position I'd be grateful the set was greeted with complete indifference rather than a chorus of boos! After Replica questioned my belief in music, The 45s got the night back on track with an astonishing guitar-based support. They were only new, but already had the right idea about image, lighting and what makes a tune: they were pretty much the best part of the night. Sadly though they were dropped by their record company without being given a real chance, which is quite shocking as they had the potential to be big.

Shed Seven were slightly better than before although the crowd were slightly worse: the bigger the city, the crapper the crowd - FACT! After some fancy lights and dancey opening music, they came on to Dolphin which worked quite nicely, then as usual the place really got going when She Left Me On Friday started up. I also recognised On Standby simply because I'd seen them live so many times that the songs were sinking in! Rick Witter seemed on fighting form, with plenty of funky dancing as the lights flickered on and off to create an obviously groovy little effect of sudden movement. I once again got to sing along to Getting Better, this time for a whole verse. Being at the front, I typically got to say "it's getting better", but seemed so enthusiastic that Rick stayed with me for a whole bit of the chorus, before realising I didn't know the words and moving on. That was funny! Then it was Chasing Rainbows as Shed Seven left us all rather happy, having played everything you'd expect, with as before the only real flaw being that Disco Down wasn't the opener. Afterwards I went out and bought their greatest hits album, finally submitting to their indie godliness, so this was most definitely a worthwhile viewing.
Where Have You Been Tonight?
Eyes Before
She Left Me On Friday
If The Music Don't Move Yer
Disco Down
Cry For Help
On Standby
Laughter Lines
Step Inside Your Love
Going For Gold
Parallel Lines
Devil In Your Shoes
Getting Better
Jean Genie
Chasing Rainbows
n.b. This setlist was from another gig, but it's either correct or similar

Mark: 7.5/10

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