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Out Of Focus Ideology - Gig Number Seventy-Five


Super Furry Animals

Super Furry Animals
El Goodo
Liverpool Academy
23rd September 2005
Who with
At the front, in the middle!
After the mixed set the week before I was less enthusiastic than I had anticipated in advance and my hopes rested on this show having some kind of edge that wasn't in Manchester. However, I will not waste my time running through my previous review again, and will try to focus on the things that were different! This time round I didn't even bother trying to persuade anyone to go with me as it always proves more trouble than it's worth, and my rush to Liverpool after work fell flat on its face as I narrowly missed the train. Despite there being about six trains an hour to Liverpool, there was somehow a 30-minute gap before the next one! I eventually arrived and used a map to find my way to the venue with little problems. However, once inside I was confronted by a maze of a layout, with many signs but none pointing out where the stage is! I eventually had to ask to find my way, frustratingly not being able to get to the front due to my slight lateness. Liverpool Academy, seemingly smaller than its Manchester equivalent, is built into the Students Union and its most interesting feature is that the bar is in a room to the right of the stage rather than at the back.

However, I had squeezed my way to the second row by the time El Goodo came on. Seeing a support band for a second time was an unusual experience. A few of the songs sunk in a bit better but still they didn't quite reach the level where it's worth going out and buying the records. The band (and for that matter SFA later on) seemed to be looking at me and observing that they'd seen my face in a crowd before! Luckily, I then managed to push my way to the front just minutes before SFA came on for the main event. I could see a black screen had been set up hiding the golf buggy (registration "SFA OK"), and knew that it would be a surprise to all except me. This time the band had to push it on as it seemed to have broken down somewhere on the tour, but thankfully their glowing hoodies were all still in working order! I spotted it when the setlist had been put down on the floor and thought I was imagining it, so was absolutely delirious to hear the opener was indeed The International Language Of Screaming, the only different song in the set. The Super Furries seem to only ever play it when I'm not there, so immediately my trip to Liverpool was justified!! Sadly it didn't quite explode as it should had done, but opening numbers rarely do and this was still the most exciting start imaginable.

Hello Sunshine was next before the show embarked down the Love Kraft path just as before. However, the more exciting start had made this quiet run far more tolerable and knowing that Run! Christian, Run! was coming up meant it wasn't the nasty shock it was before. By the time Frequency came up I had a moment of clarity. I suddenly "got" the power ballad approach that SFA had adopted, and it was fantastic to understand at last. Now finally I could enjoy the show on its own merits and wouldn't have to keep comparing it unfavourably with the 1999 sets. In this excitement even Cloudberries passed by OK, with Gruff adding a cool bit of distortion when introducing the "death march of the locusts". The band also seemed much more on form than before, Gruff informing us he'd forgotten it wasn't the end of the week and that he'd gone out and got wasted the previous night, then he aimed an aside at the "piss heads in the bar", telling them they'd regret it in the morning!! He also quite reasonably pointed out that we are not called "Liverpool" and asked us what we should be addressed as, before deciding on "Dennis" and we were then addressed as such for the rest of the night! Receptacle For The Respectable featured the eating of an apple and Juxtapozed With U was eventful as there was a power cut in the middle to Cian's computer! This only made it more memorable however as we sung along with the band until the equipment came back on.

The whole show, which had been gloriously loud throughout, then ground to a halt as the sound system was exploding due to the sheer volume: a return to the excitement of old! However, the sound seemed to get completely back on track by the finale, as once again the end credits rolled, and this time I spotted everyone had been given a cool alias, Gruff being "G-Unit", before the tribute to the city of Liverpool rolled. This time I did not even waste my efforts trying to get a setlist and knew I had to rush to make sure I got a train back, also missing out on an advertised after-party, any look-in at the T-shirts and the chance to see if the ending techno had got the crowd going as it had done in Manchester. Despite my rush I was very satisfied. This was probably the strongest SFA show I'd seen for six years, and I was proved right as a slight mixing of the setlist had produced a vastly superior set, with a more exciting start and a more chaotic middle and end, even though I felt like the crowd hadn't been as good as in Manchester. However, Super Furry Animals have managed to prove their status once again as my undisputed favourite band. I knew they'd throw something like this at me sooner or later to reaffirm my interest, and I was thrilled to find going to Liverpool was a top decision in the end!
The International Language Of Screaming
Hello Sunshine
Atomik Lust
The Horn
Ohio Heat
Run! Christian, Run!
Ice Hockey Hair
Receptacle For The Respectable
Slow Life
Juxtapozed With U
Lazer Beam
(Drawing) Rings Around The World
Do Or Die
Something 4 The Weekend
The Man Don't Give A Fuck

Mark: 9.0/10

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