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Out Of Focus Ideology - Gig Number Seventeen


The Bluetones

The Bluetones
Wolverhampton Civic Hall
25th May 2000
Who with
At the front, in the middle!
Firstly, I must set the record straight. The Bluetones are OK but quite simply were NEVER the astonishing band that some of their fans blindly seemed to believe they were at the time. They do have some quite decent indie pop songs but not enough to justify such devotion! Well anyway, I think I was dragged to this one as well and it probably wasn't worth going on reflection. The night started with Crackout who put in an energetic set but clearly just wanted to be Nirvana. Loads of hair. Darkstar were the stars of the show, playing an imaginative slot with heavy, atmospheric guitars and lights draped on the mics that looked great. Gimmicks rule! I just wonder where they've gone to now?

The Bluetones, all in sharp suits, were given their customary moshpit, played some songs we know, and had a video screen behind them. But the entire gig was totally cancelled out by one of the most astonishing cases of indie star arrogance I'd ever seen. In some baffling atrocity, the band didn't play Cut Some Rug or the astounding Marblehead Johnson, knocking a mark off the score below at a stroke. And I wasn't the only person who spent the whole show heckling them to play it, even though it started off as a joke as we were confident they'd do the real stuff in an encore! To make matters worse, they kept asking us what they should play next to create an illusion of democracy, when it was quite clear they'd already made up their minds to ignore the best tunes anyway! I think If, Bluetonic, The Fountainhead, Solomon Bites The Worm and Slight Return were performed, If being a natural highlight as we moved forwards and backwards just like in the video! But I now only look back and remember what they didn't play, as the neglect of their finest songs to give us some poor b-sides off their weak new album was a disgrace which ruined the whole show!

Mark: 6.5/10

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