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Out Of Focus Ideology - Gig Number Fifty-One


The Open

The Open
The Duke Spirit
Manchester Roadhouse
20th November 2003
£5.00 (FREE for me!)
Who with
Towards the front
Although I wasn't sure I was going until several hours beforehand, the second gig from The Open proved to be a very decent one. I managed to drag Matt along and found my way to the Roadhouse: a key Manchester venue I'd never visited. I was privileged to be on the guest list so was let in for free and was amazed to see Reno's hair had grown even longer and had not been washed since I'd last seen him! I only got to meet the guitarist again beforehand who'd actually remembered me and said that they hadn't been very pleased with their show at The Night And Day Cafe due to sound issues. After two beers and a first band who seemed rather indifferent, The Open came on and showed themselves to be harder faster better stronger with a much improved show. They managed to rock out more and built up the atmosphere of their songs, which the previous show hadn't really revealed. Forgotten was very good, although Never Enough seemed easily the catchiest number in the set on first listen. Close My Eyes is the better song though.

The band had got Never Enough ready to be their debut single and I rushed out to buy it as soon as I could. It had been left off the album as it wasn't really what they were about according to Reno, and I saw in retrospect that this was reasonable judgement: the citing of Never Enough by me as set highlight didn't go down too warmly! I was also amazed to hear they'd now got a record contract and had spent the summer recording a debut album, and arranged to see Reno over Christmas with the promise of a free T-shirt. I also discovered that the ex-drummer from Cast was working for the band and that they were commencing publicity duties already: The Open were clearly going places! Technically, the headliners were The Duke Spirit, but they seemed rather dull and failed to impress most of the remaining crowd as much. They may have enjoyed more success than The Open, but on the evidence here they don't deserve it. I took some time to check out the venue, which was a strangely "designed" place with restrictive views of the stage due to many unnecessary pillars. Very smoky in there too. After the show I hung around and chatted with Reno long after everyone had left, learning all the chitchat I've detailed above. But the main thing was an even better show from The Open not to mention a second setlist!
Never Enough
Close My Eyes
Can You Hear?

Mark: 7.0/10

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