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Out Of Focus Ideology - Gig Number Fifty-Seven


The Open

The Open
The Stills
Manchester Night And Day Cafe
15th February 2004
£5.00 (FREE for me!)
Who with
Towards the front
It proved to be third time lucky here as The Open had stepped up a few more gears despite returning to a smaller venue! I don't have much to say about this one though as I never got the setlist and drunk far too much. The place was really packed and once again I was an honoured member of the guest list. I decided to help the band out by buying a minimalist yet stylish black t-shirt with their logo on rather than expecting Reno to remember he'd promised me one (although, in the brief time I saw him, it seemed he hadn't forgot). This time round, The Open made a fantastic start with some atmospheric and really loud tracks, before calming down a little then unleashing the singles Never Enough and Close My Eyes.

Although I don't remember too many details, they seemed far more confident and ready to move up to a larger venue. The Stills meanwhile were also good, although sporting a green colour scheme and looking very stoned: or the guitarist was anyway! The lead singer seemed a chatty type and they were quite clearly American so had come a long way for such a small tour. Although I'd argue that The Open entertained me more, The Stills helped make a very strong double header and a top night of live music.

Mark: 7.0/10

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