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Out Of Focus Ideology - Gig Number Thirty-Nine


The Soundtrack Of Our Lives

The Soundtrack Of Our Lives
Sahara Hotnights
Manchester Debating Hall
7th May 2002
Who with
Towards the front
Once again I kept up the theme of the time by seeing a band I didn't know any songs by. However, this time I made the effort of arriving early and getting to the front and, thanks also to the quality of the show, this was a very good night! Surprisingly few people were at the venue when I arrived and the first support had already started. They were most distinguished by cowboy hats but seemed to sound pretty good. After they'd finished I took advantage of the space and had a nice little sit down and, amazingly, the lead singer guy from the band walked past: straight through the crowd without being stopped! After this nicely chilled-out little interlude, the second band were Sahara Hotnights who had also supported The Hives. They seemed a bit more entertaining this time around, although it really was just inoffensive head-nodding stuff. I was now pretty near the front and determined to stay there! Then The Soundtrack Of Our Lives came onstage and I was amazed. This music had real energy which got everyone moving and, if it wasn't for the lame crowd, there was devastating potential for an insane moshpit.

You just couldn't take your eyes off the singer: some gigantic guy wearing a black robe and with a beard. The rest of the band were also determined to rock and were clearly enjoying themselves, with no lack of movement around the stage at all! I do think the songs tailed off a bit later on although possibly it was my concentration that wavered. The sound was old-fashioned guitar-based stuff but was carried off with such melody you had to be impressed. The highlight came during the sitting down segment of 21st Century Rip Off. As the singer wandered amongst us, finally making even the most boring in the crowd sit down, the song started to pick up, everyone was ordered to stand and... This should be the point where an insane moshpit kicked off but despite my attempts, I could tell that this crowd weren't out for a fun time so I quickly gave up. But TSOOL had done more than enough to make me buy their album and, at Leeds 2002, they were even better than this!!

Mark: 8.0/10

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