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Out Of Focus Ideology - Gig Number Twelve



The Clint Boon Experience!
Wolverhampton Civic Hall
16th December 1999
Who with
At the front, in the middle!
An excellent night, if somewhat ambivalent like the SFA at Stoke were. But this time things turned out alright like a feel-good movie, which is a very rare change! Sick of waiting for the bus to get me there I gave up and got driven to the gig - naturally passing my bus on the way! I was pleased I managed to arrive in reasonable time though before the next shock. The bouncers opened the doors into the hall, but not into the stage: such incompetence was staggering!! Naturally, when they did unlock the doors into the standing area they opened the ones on the other side of the hall, letting everyone else all get to the front, while our side of the venue were left pounding the door down in deserved fury. Kill all bouncers, as the SFA say! When I got in I had to put up with a place miles away from the front. The reason for the doors being closed was the support band so naturally I thought why ruin the gig for the sake of a support who we don't give a shit about? Little did I realise this would be just possibly the greatest support band of my life. The Clint Boon Experience! played music of such astounding coolness they blew the crowd away. Clint Boon, with his organ taking centre-stage and fairy lights surrounding him, proved a most charismatic singer, forcing everyone to love them. I was surprised to recognise the fantastic song White No Sugar too, even if I'm still not quite sure where I picked it up! There were dancers and they generally put on a true SHOW - no wonder their T-shirts use the slogan Cooler Than Fuck, taken from the Inspiral Carpets, Clint's old band, who I'm now a fan of as well as The CBX!

After CBX! left the stage I managed to easily get closer to the front and now waited for Travis. And they were good. They actually got the balance nearly right, playing every song on The Man Who except She's So Strange but also playing the other songs that matter - except Hazy Shades Of Gold and, quite shockingly, Tied To The 90s. What is it with these stars refusing to play their time-specific hits when it counts? Pulp did it (or should I say didn't do it?) with Disco 2000, and I wouldn't be surprised at all if Prince had got through the year 1999 without once singing the song! Their live performance was still good despite the massive decline in their songs since Good Feeling - so underrated compared to The Man Who it hurts! I managed to find my way to the front of the (surprisingly good) crowd before the end and got to enjoy the rest of the gig from the best position. Slide Show performed behind a screen was magical and their excellent renditions of River and Baby One More Time ensured variety. They even rocked - although their ability to do this is neglected for some reason on their new records, making All I Want To Do Is Rock a somewhat perverse debut single. I left feeling happy that I'd seen two very good bands, and pleased that everything turned out OK, but baffled why I couldn't persuade anyone else to go. Travis at their peak? That may had been V99 but, as a live band, they'll never be better than this!
All I Want To Do Is Rock
Good Feeling
Writing To Reach You
Good Day To Die
The Fear
More Than Us
Coming Around
As You Are
U16 Girls
Why Does It Always Rain On Me?
The Last Laugh Of The Laughter
Blue Flashing Light
River (acoustic)
Baby One More Time
n.b. This isn't strictly in the correct order

Mark: 8.5/10

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