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Super Furry Animals lyrics - Cryndod Yn Dy Lais Cryndod Yn Dy Lais
Trembling In Your Voice

Cryndod yn dy lais
Trembling in your voice
Yn peri gofid
Causing worry

Cryndod yn dy lais
Trembling in your voice
Yn peri gofid
Causing worry
Credaf i ddim gair mawr 'sgen ti
I don't believe you've got a big word
Ddweud "beth sydd yn bod?"
Saying "what's the matter?"
Dy asgwrn isel
Your low bone
Beth ddigwyddodd neithiwr sgwn i?
Who knows what happened last night?

Cynnil yw dy eiriau
Your words are limited
Cymleth yw'n nheimladau i
My feelings are complicated

Ac mae'r cryndod yn dy lais
And the trembling in your voice
A hen alawon
And old melodies
Yn atsain drwy fy esgyrn
Echo through my bones
Estyn law i'n nhynnu i
Extend a hand to pull me
Yn ôl i'th lanfa
Back to your base
Ond ofer yw fy eiriau anffawd crin
But vain are my words of withered misfortune

A nadroedd rhwng yr rhedyn
And snakes among the fern
Yn pigo cnawd fy sodlau i
Stinging the flesh of my feet

Ac mae cryndod yn dy lais
And there's trembling in your voice
Cryndod yn dy lais
Trembling in your voice
Yn peri gofid
Causing worry

Left speaker: Stiwdio Ofn. Right speaker: Parr Street Studios
B-side (Play It Cool): 3 minutes, 15 seconds
Track 1 (Mwng US Bonus disc): 2 minutes, 48 seconds
This song has a false start, where Gruff starts to sing, delivers the first two lines, then breaks off and starts again. The US version cuts out this bit.

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