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Super Furry Animals lyrics - Foxy Music Foxy Music

Quite some time ago when I was younger
Maybe eight or nine
A friend of mine had nearly met his
Death before his prime

On a day out with his family now
Walking and having fun
A farmer saw his head behind a wall
And reached for his gun

He was paranoid for foxes had been
Chewing up his stock
And now he prayed for a scapegoat
To behead upon the block

Now I know that's wrong in the first place
But it's not the point of the song
And on this pretty 'culiar day
The farmer got it wrong

Sometimes I think
That my mind's on the blink
Then I look back to this story
I see I do not need a shrink

You see my friend had a full head of hair
The colour of ginger red
Now in the distance the farmer looked
With a gun aimed at his head

He put two plus two together thinking
Red would equal fox
As he squeezed the trigger I believe
That he was totally off his box

Well my friend was rushed to hospital
In an ambulance of grief
And his father had a heart attack
In the shock of disbelief

Sometimes I think
That my mind's on the blink
Then I look back to this story
I see I do not need a shrink

Sometimes I think
That my mind's on the blink
Then I look back to this story
I think I do not need a shrink

Now there's a lesson in this story
Although it reached a happy end
That just coz he's got red hair
Doesn't mean that he's a fox
No, just coz he's got red hair
Doesn't mean that he's a fox


Quote (Gruff):
"When I was about nine, this mate and his family were out on a Sunday afternoon. He had this really bright red hair and he was just playing in this field, you know, when this farmer came out, thought he was a fox, and shot him. His father collapsed of a heart attack from the shock."
Stiwdio Ofn
B-side (The International Language Of Screaming): 3 minutes, 50 seconds
Track 3 (Radiator US Bonus disc): 3 minutes, 49 seconds

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