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Super Furry Animals lyrics - Y Brawd Houdini Y Brawd Houdini
Houdini's Brother

La la, la la la la la, la la la la la la la

O, mi wena'r haul yn y pwll glo
Oh, the sun is shining in the coal mine
Beth am botel o gwrw?
How about a bottle of beer?
O, mae gennai bres, ond mae'r mwg a tes
Oh, I've got money, but the smoke and haze
Yn troi pob un yn feddw
Is turning everyone woozy

Mor unig ar y llinyn tyn
So lonely on the taut line
Yn troedio'r eangderau
Treading the vastness

O, dim ond fi a'r brawd Houdini'n
Oh, only me and Houdini's brother
Cerdded lan i'r nefoedd
Walking up to the heavens

La la, la la la la la, la la la la la la la (X2)

O, 'roedd y nos mor ddu ac mae brenin y dall
Oh, the night was so black and the king of the blind
Yn crawcian yn y bore
Is croaking in the morning
O, y dewin dwl ar y teleffon
Oh, the dim wizard on the telephone
Yn ceisio neud ei orau
Trying to do his best

A minau'n methu gweld tu fewn
And me who cannot see inside
Neu mas o'r byd a'i chwerthin
Or out of the world and its laughter

O, dim ond fi a'r brawd Houdini'n
Oh, only me and Houdini's brother
Cerdded lan i'r nefoedd
Walking up to the heavens

La la, la la la la la, la la la la la la la (X6)

Unreleased: 2 minutes, 30 seconds
This song was originally by Meic Stevens and was released on the Sain 7" E.P. in 1970, and can now be found on the Welsh Rare Beat compilation. It's been played live and in sessions a few times but it is unlikely to ever be properly released by SFA. These lyrics are based on an acoustic version played on Dutch radio in 1999.

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