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Super Furry Animals lyrics - Y Teimlad Y Teimlad
The Feeling

Y teimlad sy'n gyrru bobol i anghofio amser
The feeling that makes people forget time
Y teimlad sy'n gyrru ti i feddwl nad yw'r dyfodol mor fler
The feeling that makes you think the future's not so bad
Y teimlad sydd yn dod a cyn sbarduno gobaith
The feeling which comes and sparks hope
Ti'n gweld y tywod, llwch, ond ti'n gweld fod yno flodau
You see the sand, the dust, but you see that there's flowers

Y teimlad, beth yw y teimlad?
The feeling, what is the feeling?
Y teimlad sydd heb esboniad
The feeling that's inexplicable
Y teimlad, beth yw y teimlad?
The feeling, what is the feeling?
Y teimlad sy'n cael ei alw'n gariad
The feeling called love
Cariad, cariad, y teimlad
Love, love, the feeling

Mae hapusrwydd yn codi ac yn troi yn wir rhywbryd
Happiness builds and comes true sometimes
Ac mae'n dangos fod yno rhywbeth mewn hyd yn oed dim byd
And it shows that there's something even in nothing
A pan mae'r teimlad yno mae bywyd yn werth parhau
And when the feeling is there, life is worth continuing
Ond yn ei absenoldeb mae'r diweddglo yn agosau
But in its absence the end approaches

Y teimlad, beth yw y teimlad?
The feeling, what is the feeling?
Y teimlad, sydd heb esboniad
The feeling, that's inexplicable
Y teimlad, beth yw y teimlad?
The feeling, what is the feeling?
Y teimlad, sy'n cael ei alw'n gariad
The feeling called love


Quote (Gruff on
"Y Teimlad is a song by Datblygu that was recorded in '84 and literally it translates as The Feeling, but it sounds much more profound in its original state. David R. Edwards who wrote the song is a lyrical genius. It's an incredibly simple song but very profound: it's just a shame that more people don't speak Welsh and can appreciate the lyrics he's written y'know. It's one of the most straightforward songs he's written. Datblygu means 'developing' so a lot of the music he wrote was very improvised, experimental. They were a big influence on us, especially their lyrical outlook. It's a song about love, or it's a song about not knowing what love is or what love means. The original is a really raw, kinda electro, dissonant song, but it could it could be made in a Sinatra style. Musically it's a live song, probably the most straight thing we've ever recorded."
Real World Studios
Track 8 (Mwng): 4 minutes, 39 seconds
This song is the only cover version the Super Furries have officially released and was originally by Datblygu.

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