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Super Furry Animals lyrics - Trôns Mr Urdd Trôns Mr Urdd
Mr Urdd's Pants

Hei, Mr Urdd
Hey, Mr Urdd
'Neud di ddangos imi ffyrdd
Will you show me the ways
O garu, heb amharu?
Of love, without damage?
Ar fy meddwl yn ormodol
To my mind necessary
Dwi isho gweld fy nyfodol
I want to see my future

O, dwi'n gwisgo trons Mr Urdd
Oh, I'm wearing Mr Urdd's pants
Gwnes 'i ddwyn nhw pan oedd neb yn sbio
I stole them when nobody was watching
Cyn torri lawr a chrio
Before breaking down and crying

O, dwi'n gwisgo trons Mr Urdd
Oh, I'm wearing Mr Urdd's pants
Mae'n cyfaddef popeth ar y bathodyn
It confesses everything on the badge
Mae'n waeth na gwisgo blodyn, o
It's worse than wearing a flower, oh

Yng Ngellilydan gyda'r wawr
In Gellilydan with the dawn
Mae'r gwlith mor llachar ar y llawr
The dew is so bright on the floor
O dan y wawr
Under the dawn

Ar y ffordd i Drawsfynydd
On the way to Trawsfynydd
I drwsio'n 'sgidiau yn siop y crudd
To repair my shoes in the cobbler's shop
Erbyn hanner dydd
By midday

O, dwi'n gwisgo trons Mr Urdd
Oh, I'm wearing Mr Urdd's pants
Mae'n waeth na gwisgo 'sgodyn
It's worse than wearing fish

[Can somebody please help to complete the lyric? It sounds like it would be an easy task for a Welsh speaker, and it would be much appreciated!]

Stiwdio Ofn
B-side (Hermann ©'s Pauline): 4 minutes, 36 seconds
Track 2 (Mwng US Bonus disc): 4 minutes, 37 seconds
Incomplete (Are any Welsh speakers out there able to provide the second half of the lyric please?)

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