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that's amber, the iron maiden who sits behind me and pulls my hair out, kerrie with her, uh, finger up her nose, helena looking adorable, and jenna being a haltertop-ed skank.
faceless carolyn and faceless shannon, during the last days of school.
david. he ditched his second period and joined us in gymnastics. there's nothing more to say.

a bewildered felicia. she's one of the coolest people i've had the pleasure of meeting, even though it was towards the end of the year and she's graduated now.

okay, the weird popular boys and the freshmen in our class found building forts out of mats to be quite entertaining, every single day. we think that they were having sex with each other inside.

there's the gang. well, the gymnastics gang anyway, plus david and minus me. that'd be (from left to right)...helena, carolyn, shannon, david, jessica, and marilu. everyone looks kinda goofy in this one.

helena and marilu, sitting. we never actually DID gymnastics, you know.

jessica in mr. teal's room. check out that cash!

kerrie with her ex-mormonboyfriend, cody. they're still, like, best friends.

here's tawny and cody at snack. not nutrition, but snack. got it? yearbook signings are going on, as you can see, and tawny is eating pasturized homogonated fnibble fnabblized cheese food product on top of stale tortilla chips.