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feeding the ducks at mile square park is a holiday tradition. on thanksgiving, there are no presents to open so we've got to spend hours eating, talking, and feeding the ducks. that's me with my cousin kara and my cousin cody.
putting olives on your fingers is also a holiday tradition in my family. all the kids have done it, and we didn't even learn it from each other! so there's kara, the olive queen for 1999, shying away from the camera.
my auntie joanie (kara's mom), kara, and my auntie janet.

my grandpa, aunts, and grandma. rest in peace, papa. i love you.

grandma with kara's brother erik.

yet another italian tradition, bacci ball! kara's demonstrating.

thanksgiving ended and we moved onto christmas eve, 1999. this is my brother tommy, being quiet and enjoying a candycane.

okay, da boyz. to the left we have my uncle russ, who is married to my auntie janet. they're cody's parents. that's my dad in the middle, and kara and erik's dad on the right, my uncle bill.

santa tommy!

carrying out yet ANOTHER tradition, the girl cousin wears her giftwrap.

where do these cooky traditions end?

here we go...this time, kara is actually breaking a tradition. the italian side of the family doesn't usually come over for christmas day, but here she is on the stairs with a slinky. easily amused. christmas day, 1999.

katie. she's adorable, so i let her play with a beanie baby.

i didn't get many pictures of christmas day that year, but here's the start of christmas eve, 2000. that'd cody about to open a present. (duh..)

auntie janet, me, kara, erik, chris, auntie joanie. chris is cody's brother.

same, minus the aunts and plus santa gramma.

christmas morning, 2000. it was a radiohead cd and he wrapped it with evil graph paper. how sweet!
carli at our house on christmas night.

carli again, with a new supercool backpack.

carli with her sister casey.

this one's just sort of cute.. that's casey and her mommy.

i knew that butterfly chair would come in handy one day. and that's jake, rocking out.

everyone at the table...i'll fill out names later. so many people!


i guess that's me just being truly happy. i love my relatives. yeah, and see that vandals shirt? randi stole it. if you're reading this, randi, i want my freakin' shirt back.

we gave jake the prozac cup. oh, come on, like you wouldn't laugh...

stephanie tickling carli. aww...

"tropical surprise".

jake got a tonka truck, and what could be more fun than a tonka truck? i have no idea.

kara spent the night, so that's her with harry the next morning.

this is two days after christmas. i've known this kid since we were about 2 years old, we went to separate elementary schools, then she moved to carlsbad in seventh grade. it sucked, but here we are, still friends after nearly 14 years.

her name's sarah, by the way.

she fell asleep early and i don't know how she did it with the cat on her like that, but i took this and it woke her up.