Full Name: Zachary Walker Hanson
Birthday: October 22, 1985 Birth Place: Lexington, Virgina Age: 14 Hair Color: blonde Eye Color: brown Fav. Color: Blue Fav. Food: Hotdogs, pizza, chinese Fav. Music: Aerosmith, Sheryl Crow, Johnny Lang Fav. Subject: Math >Zac is the only brother not to cut his hair short >Zac is fully done going through puberty! >Zac loves paintball. >He doesn't wear any jewelry. >His favorite shampoo is Herbal Esscences >He sleeps in boxers & a t-shirt >His zodiac sign is a Libra >Zac's nicknames are Prozac, Animal, Psycho, and Gonzo >Zac plays Pearl and Zilgian drums >Zac once broke his nose playing with his brothers >Zac is left handed >Zac's toothbrush color USED to be green (hopefully he changed it by now) >Zac is known as the "wacky one" >Zac loves Twinkies! >Zac's favorite desert is lime jello >Zac loves chocolate ice cream >He loves action movies and Jim Carrey >His favorite drink is Dr.Pepper >He is a big fan of soccer and laser tag >His favorite TV show is Animaniacs >He has a collection of Lego's. >He collects miniature shampoo bottles from hotel rooms >He once threw donuts at Kathy Griffin. >Zac might have to get braces >During the filming of the MMMBop video, Zac jumped in the Dust Brother's swimming pool with his clothes on. >They actually show Zac playing the drums soaking wet after that incident :) >Zac's mom used to put braids in his hair a lot >He is known as the one who does the best impersonations >Zac get's motion sickness quite often :| >He loves Doc Martens >He thinks Mackenzie is going to take his place someday